Killing Some Kallamari.

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Some time in the, now night, y/n woke up. He was sweating, hot, he could feel his heart beating hard, like it was working overtime. He got up and immediately looked back at the bed just to see his body sleeping with Sherri next to him... an adorable sight to behold to be honest.

He tried to calm down and go outside for two reasons. One it to get some air in his veins? Lungs? Either saying works.. Two, is to see if the light from last time is somewhere around the compound. He stepped outside the temple to see a darker night sky, a grey monochrome color enveloped everything. He looked around for the light while trying to regain his breath and steady his overclocked heart.

He looked all over the compound, but didn't find the light... at least his heart calmed down. He went back into his temple, vision starting to turn fully black... unexpectedly seeing the light shining from... underneath his temple? Why under the temple? What's emitting the light? What's up with that voice calling to him- wait, voice? Thats... new...
He didn't hear much of what the voice said as he passed out.

Waking up with a jolt, but not getting up, he looks around... okay, everything has color, good... Sherri's still asleep and cute, good.. it's nighttime? Whatever... he lays back down next to Sherri and goes back to sleep, dreaming dreamless dreams.

The sun shone as it woke up Sherri from the long sleep with y/n. His bed is much better than the followers beds, that's for sure. With a strech, she looked over at y/n to see he's got his shirt off, looking oddly handsome, he's still asleep- his shirt is off?!? When?! She gained a blush from seeing him like that, red faced, they didn't do... that yesterday, so why?? As if a call was made, y/n stirred awake, his hair comically fuzzy. He looked at Sherri and didn't say anything... except "whoops."

After he apologized profusely to Sherri and got ready for the day ahead, they left his temple and thought of what to do today.

Y/n: So, wanna still be on break or we doing something else?

Sherri: Well, we've spent yesterday together, so maybe we should go and kill Kallamar.

[Comically, y/n has everything he needed right then and there.]

Y/n: Ready to martyr the big squid.

Sherri: You're really ready to kill him, huh? You're still angry at him?

Y/n: Yes. Very angry. I'm just hiding it behind a smile :)

Sherri: Okay... I'll go get ready and prepare things for my cult, meet you by the entrance of Anchordeep?

Y/n: Sounds like a plan Riri. I'll be waiting~

Before Sherri could say anything about the nickname she won't say she likes, y/n leaves and sits in front of Anchordeep, waiting for Sherri to come. Welp, back to thinking like he does-

So now there's a voice when the world goes grayscale and the lights coming from underneath the temple... he'd have to dig there... or break some of the floor in his temple... either one would really suck.. and what's with Death? Why was he even down there in the first place? Why did he even come to mind in first place? The big cat's annoying.. well, this is a conundrum. Nothing else to think about, huh? Understandable, not all the time you get to thi-

Sherri: Alright, I'm here. Let's do this!

[Sherri is pumped up, y/n jumped a little]

Y/n: Wha- oh, right.

Sherri: What were you doing? And what's with the reaction?

Y/n: Uhhhh.. thinking.. then ran out of thoughts to think about.. then thought some eldrich deity started talking to me until you arrived.

What A Cult! (a male reader insert of: Cult Of The Lamb.)Where stories live. Discover now