Time Together.

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By the gods, 10k reads?! When?! How?! Pure, raw C O N F U S I O N.

While he was waiting, he went to see how's the harvest of the crops are. The corner specific to farmland, cause... well, it had the only clear dirt not covered by broken stone. Thank God the soil was quality and not all bad or whatever... don't ask, he's not a farmer.

Seeing the beautiful crops, he went to harvest them, but a few followers followed on to help with the bountiful harvest. He was glad to have these short followers. Berries, pumpkins, and even cauliflower! Maybe he should go fishing in a bit... the harvest was great, the seeds are replanted, and followers are put on farming duty. Things are going well at the very least.

So, while waiting again, he just... strolled around his base.

<ok, bear with me, I have no idea how to describe the compound, so if it's inconsistent and completely wrong, forgive me for being wrong. -TSF>

I don't think he ever got to really get a look at his compound. The entire thing is almost as big as Sherri's cult grounds, but has more ruin walls and stone floors. The access rubble from the ruins have been moved to the... well, if you were standing in the middle looking north, well, the statue is in the middle, so... the rubble is in the lower left corner, looking north.

The only dirt available without any stone is on the lower right corner, so the farm is all there. Nothing much else to say really.. so, the resource harvesters like the logcutting and mining stone is in the top right corner. Oh! Y/n made an outhouse for the followers to do their business and put it near the ever shrinking pile of ruins.

So the final corner of the compound, top left, has all the followers beds and/or tents/teepee's. Also, the temple is right against a wall somewhere in the top left corner.. I can't say exactly where it is... sooo... use your ✨️imagination✨️.

Oh, and try to not forget like Mr. Fanatic would.

So taking a stroll was a good call, cause when he arrived back, basically in front of his statue, riiiiiiight across the statue is the white pentagram that's always used. Funny thing is.. that thing apparently appeared out of nowhere.. well, not the time to think about that cause Sherri came outta the thing. Already having grabbed his bag and axe, he thought the final Anchordeep crusade was going to happen there and then, get it over with.. but Sherri had other plans.

Y/n: So, you ready to do this thing?

Sherri: Actually... I was thinking we could... um...

Y/n: What... could we do..?

[She gains a small blush, he notices and starts thinking... giving himself a small blush as well]

Sherri: Take some time to ourselves? Y'know... spend some time together?

Y/n: u-um.. uh.. s-sou- *ahem* sounds good. Where do you think we should go?

Sherri: YES! I mean- I think we should go around? I could teach you how to play knucklebones!

Y/n: Knucklebones? Thats new to me.. sounds fun? Is it going to hurt my knuckles?

With a laugh out of Sherri, they stepped onto the pentagram together and left a very confused, spare the one or two shippers going nuts, cult behind.
<tbh, I got no clue how to build up the "romance" between them- so I dunno if it's good or "cliché" as hell, first time doing this, so.. hope you didnt expect a masterpiece or something->
They had a good time together, going place to place, like the spore grotto, seeing the mushroom people there, going back to the pilgrims passage to fish and talk to eachother. The... man fish? Wasn't there, strangely.. after catching all the fish and having a good laugh here and there, they get up to go to a relatively new area to Sherri, the Smuggler's Sanctuary.

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