Trouble Before The Finale.

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Run... all he could do was run... his legs hurt, he couldn't feel his arm, his lungs burned fiercely, but all he could do was run. He didn't dare look behind him, don't even know if he could, his head feels like it's detached from his body, forced to look at the light he could never reach, always just out of reach... why was this even happening? LET THIS STO-

Waking up in his bed with a jolt, he got his phone to see its about 3 in the morning. "Great" he said, getting up to use the bathroom, clean himself up, he's already awake, can't go back to sleep now..

After the refreshing shower, he got dressed and got himself some breakfast, a bowl of cereal, surprising he didn't burn it somehow. While eating, he saw it was almost 4.. least time is working good, so nothing to worry about... exept when he looked outside, it was raining ash in the city? But... there's no volcanoes to erupt around here... so how did?

He blinked and saw something that made more sense Snowflakes. The ash he saw was probably his brain playing tricks on him... for the funny.

Seeing this as a good reason to have a day off, he sits on his couch and watches the news... ok, that's not the news... switching off that random xxx rated show... didn't know they still do that... *AHEM* anyways-

Switching to the news, he saw that a massive snowstorm was combing the city, so residents gotta stay inside. Not a problem for him, he's got enough to keep going for a while... the problem was what to do while indoors. He switched off the news before it could say something that was urgent, more urgent than the snowstorm...

He washed his bowl and went to lay down, not seeing the point to really get up and do anything at 4:30 in the morning... wait, why are you putting your boots on? "I'm going for a walk, duh?" Didn't you hear the news?! "Yeah? So? A little cold never hurt anyone."
I swear...

Putting on his extra layers of clothing, he went to go for a walk, expecting nobody to be outside at the time. Stepping out of his home, he... well, he walks around. Nothing to it exept taking in the peace that is silence, nobody's driving, nobody else is walking around, it's nice, but cold. He walks past a bus stop, nothing really to note- wait a-

He flicked his head back at the place, he swore he saw someone there... he shook his head and decided to go back home, he had enough walking and it was starting to get really snowy. The walk was a smooth, calming one... if not for the fact he ran into someone he's never seen before. She was wearing red and black, her face was covered with a grey scarf, yet somehow... he could tell she was very lost.

"Are you lost?" He asked

"Y-yes.. I was looking for the bus?" She said

"Well, due to the weather, it's not gonna show up... you got a home around here?" He asked yet again... why was he talking this much?

"No.. I was visiting some relatives around here, but I gotta go home now..." She sighed afterwards

"Why can't you stay with your relatives until this blizzards over?" He asked

"It was supposed to be a visit... plus, I don't think they like me much.." She said sadly.

"am I really... fuck it, what do I gotta lose?" He mumbled

"I know I'm literally someone you ran into about 3 minutes ago... but you could stay in my home until the snowstorm is over?" He asked, very carefully.

It looked like she was going to say something... but things start to melt? Warp and twist unnaturally... glowing, dimming, he was stuck there, his bones start to feel like jelly and his head is pounding-

"Thank you for letting me stay here until the blizzards over!" She said, snapping him out of whatever trance that was...

"Oh, um... y-yeah. You want some tea or something? I think I'll get me some whiskey.."
He said to her, offering a cup.

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