May The Crown Find It's Seat.

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Twas a nice day, Sherri decided to visit y/n, maybe go on a crusade in the new place, or just spend a day together again... maybe not call him friend this time... maybe... maybe say something about the feelings she had awaken for him so long ago... so she went and greeted The Compound and asked where y/n was, they said in the temple. With a single red peddled flower in hand, she went inside the temple.

She did not expect his altar to be moved, and a hole where it once was... she looked down the hole to see rare glowing mushrooms and y/n sleeping against... the ruin bricks? She carefully slid down there, since there was no ladder for some reason, and landed safely. She looked around the cave... tunnel... "place" y/n has dug into. Why did he even start digging under his altar in the first place? Did he know this was under here? Where does this tunnel even go? She had to know.

She started to follow the glowing mushrooms, but the red crown started... shaking? She tried to ignore it, but soon, when she saw that plants and vines were growing out of the cracks in the walls, she started shaking.. what was this? Her curiosity got the better of her and she continued onwards, fear slowly creeping up on her...


Y/n woke up with a groan, maybe he shouldn't have spent the rest of his energy in the night digging with his hands and a few broken planks of wood... just to fall on his ass and land in the tunnel he was in while things went greyscale mode. Now that he's up, he can get that crown statue... could that thing be that white crown Shamura mentioned? Standing up, dusting off his pants, he walks forward following the mushrooms.

It's all like the greyscale exept more vibrant and colorful. The mushrooms glow a soft white and the vines glow a soft blue... he was so distracted and on autopilot, he didn't notice that Sherri was stuck in place in front of the main cave. Tripping and accidentally falling on eachother, they opened their eyes to one another, y/n hovering above her, he was tempted to say "Hey" as to lighten the mood but with one look on her face, he decided to not, she was scared. Scared of what? He didn't know.

Y/n fell on her and just stared at her, all while she feels immense pressure and fear. A whole lot of her body is saying:
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!? RUN BITCH, RUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!" Then there's that small bit that's saying:
"Hide. Hide now. Anywhere, just hide." So... she was just stuck standing at the entrance to this admittedly gorgeous cave, colors bounce off the walls, the water flowing is a vibrant blue while the flowers were mostly glowing red, some yellow ones were there too. Y/n tripping and falling on her just gave her the scare of a lifetime... or maybe two lifetimes.. she just stared at him, unspeaking as his face shifted to worry.

The last thing y/n expected Sherri to do was hug him like there's no tomorrow, he could feel her shivering... he got up and she didn't let go, even wrapped her legs around him, now he knew he had to leave. Thankfully, the tunnel wasn't closed like the... he hesitated to call it a "dream" at this point, hell, he never really thought of what it was... but nevermind all that. He held onto Sherri and walked out of there, through the tunnel, noting that she shivered less and less the more she was away from the cave. Once they got back to the hole in his temple, he thought of a good oversight he the hell is he going to get out?

Sherri was still clinging onto y/n for dear life, even if the pressure is gone, she couldn't forget that feeling... it wasn't good. But she felt better hugging y/n and that's a good feeling... yes- yes, it's quite a good feeling. She held on just the bit tighter, feeling his hand pat her back. She opened her eyes and looked around, seeing they're at the beginning of the tunnel, she takes her head out of the crook of y/n's neck and looks at him, worry plastered over his face. They're so close to one another... maybe she could just... really quickly....

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