A Dark Forest.

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You are Y/N. A man with a stable-ish job, a good house, and overall, a good life. Couldn't ask for anything more. Well... he could, but that isn't the point here. The point is... what could possibly go wrong here? This is a... ok life.

We cut to y/n driving in a storm, trying to get to work after sleeping in.

(Y/N pov)

Damn it, how could I have been so naive?! Sleeping in on a day like this... damn it... now I gotta deal with boss's shit... I don't even want to drive there in this damn storm-
*ring ring, pick up yo phone dude*
Oh god... speak of the devil...

Me: yeah boss?

Boss: Y/N! Where are you?!

Me: Jeez, calm down boss, I'm driving to work now, no need to freak out...

Boss: You idiot! Didn't you hear the news? Your driving in the biggest storm this side of the country! Get back home, the shops closed!

Me: Well that explains the disappearance of all the cars here.. alright, I'll go home Boss.

Boss: Y-zz be--er -o -o- ot--rw--e y- *bzzzz*

Me: Boss? Damn, lost conne- wait, what's that?

That's... a tornado?! And it's coming right at me!


(3rd pov)

The tornado swept up y/n and other things from the nearby forest, trees, rocks and the like. Twisting and turning, getting battered and beat, his car taking most of the damage, thankfully. Too bad his windshield was broken through by a noticeably big rock, hitting him dead center in the face. The last thing he saw before passing out by said rock, was a image of a little sheep in rags, getting talked down to by a huge... cat in chains? The very last thing he saw was the cat... thing looking directly at him, smiling...

Y/n woke up with a jolt of adrenaline running through his veins, finding himself upside-down in his destroyed car. Looking left and right, both windows were shattered, he had two ways to leave. Unbuckling his seat belt, he fell on his head with some pain, but managed to maneuver himself to escape the wreaked car. Standing up, he looked around to see nothing but trees, he thought of calling out for help, but making noise could attract the animals in this forest and he didn't know if the animals were hostile... so he kept quiet and started to scavenge anything useful from the wreak.

Strangely, there was almost nothing useful in the car, only a backpack and waterbottle. Like... everything was taken or lost... giving one last look to his beloved car, he went in a direction and didn't look back.

After traveling for a while, he finally got out of the thick trees and onto... stone? With blood and pentagrams on it... well, that isn't good... A smart man, y/n is, he knows some kind of sacrifice happened here. He saw some hooded... creatures dead, he decided to inspect the corpse to see... an animal? A wolf about half his size, more specifically... looks like a sword went through it... he looked around and saw a axe!

Finally, a weapon! He grabbed the axe, expecting it to be heavy due to its size, but it was surprisingly light. Just in time too, he hears some... things coming closer to the... altar.

Hiding in the bushes, he decides to watch the strange ritual... oh my lord... they're sacrificing an adorable little deer... thing! He makes the, arguably dumb, decision to save the creature from such a fate it didn't look like it wanted to succumb to.

Y/n: HEY! Let the deer go!

They look at him like he's an alien or something. The big one with the same axe as him is preparing to swing at the deer, but y/n stops this by swinging his axe at the big one, hitting it directly on the head, embedding it there, killing it.
The other cultists saw this and attacked with daggers, a sword or two, and some had nothing at all. Y/n grabbed the axe the big one dropped and started swinging like no tomorrow.

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