Crusading Break.

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Waking up to a sun glaring in his eyes, y/n opened his eyes to close them yet again. Getting up, he feels weight on his chest yet again... and, unsurprisingly, it was Sherri, sleeping on his chest... how many times is this going to happen... it's generally unknown to y/n, but strangely, he doesn't mind it... she is a lamb after all, her wool is nice and soft... must feel nice and warm during winter.

That got him to thinking: is there even the seasons here? Most likely, but would time work the same? Probably works the same as well. He put his hand on top of Sherri's head without thinking, almost like... something along the lines of... oh, who was he kidding? He just outright did it. He did almost touch the red crown and he could've sworn that he heard something like a hiss from hit, but stopped immediately when it saw him resting his hand atop her head.

A few moments after he did that, Sherri started to wake up from the sudden touch. Doing an admitly adorable yawn, she looked around and saw none of her followers were there, which was good, but froze when she saw y/n looking right at her.

Y/n: So Riri, mind telling me why you're on my chest?

Sherri: Uh-uh-um-uh (she stutters hard, trying to find her words)

Y/n: Nevermind, it's fine really... don't worry about it.

Sherri: R-right! I'll just get off of you n-now..

Y/n: By the way, are you good? Your face is a little red there-


Sherri ran off, out of y/n's sight, leaving him confused and intrigued. 'Why run off cause of a question? Why the blush? Is it cause I'm a dude and she's a duddete?' All things he was thinking, most likely will get an answer soon enough, just got to give it time and wait. Having gotten up, he made his way out of Sherri's cult grounds and to his own, where his followers were waiting for him.

They all chanted towards him and were glad he was back, Check especially, he was y/n's favorite and first follower after all. Out of the dozen of followers he's got, about 3 if them were wearing white robes with blue accents on them.

Y/n: Hey all, how were things here when I was gone? Check?

Check: it was all good leader! Everyone was doing their jobs well, and we got our wood and rock reserves massively increased. All we need is food and coin.

Y/n: I can deal with the food, coin on the other hand... hang on a sec, why do those 3 have white robes on?

Check: oh that? It's cause they're old.

Y/n: Old? Really? That fast... strange...

Check: Strange? Why is it strange to grow old leader?

Y/n: Well, uh... from where I'm from, the... y'know what? It isn't relevant, don't worry about it man.

Check: Huh? Well, if you say so Leader...

Y/n: now, I'm gonna just say this to you all, I'm not going to be going om a crusade for a while, a month or two at max. I'm finally gonna be here, exiting, right?

The dozen or so followers cheer that their leader is staying at his compound with them. He looked upon then with a sense of... what is it, pride? must be, but some of them are looking a little pale... food first, then spending time with his followers. Walking towards the cookery, y/n thinks of what he's going to cook, maybe something filling and simple.

He took in stock of what he had, too much grass, so bowls aren't a problem, a lot of berries, a few pumpkins his followers have farmed- speaking of farming he needs to expand that front- back to the stuff, he has limited morsels and meat, so thats for a special occasion... vegetable food it is, with a sprinkle of berries to go with it.

What A Cult! (a male reader insert of: Cult Of The Lamb.)Where stories live. Discover now