More Followers Comes With A Price.

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Arriving back at his cult, ready to indoctrinate 6 followers this time! So many materials to organize and put away and he's gonna try to build a new axe using the steel he's obtained? Many busy days are ahead for y/n.

Like always, indoctrination comes first, and half a dozen followers to indoctrinate is a lot. Starting with the monster frog: Gusion, then going down the line, to a frog, a giraffe, a fish, a bison, and... a wolf? Oh my... this'll be a interesting indoctrination...

After all of the new followers got indoctrinated, y/n went to his temple to begin his very first ceremony, which got him all nervous and excited. A dozen or so followers was within his cult now, leaving little room for error, can't mess this up now... after getting himself mentally and physically prepared, he called for a sermon.

In quick succession, all of his followers arrived, even the new ones arrived quickly, these are really some follow-heavy creatures... kinda surprising. Waiting patiently for their leader to begin the sermon, they begin silently chanting for him.

After a little time has passed, y/n began to speak.

Y/n: *ahem* My faithful and devoted followers! Thank you all for arriving today, I have something I'd like to say. I'd like to order a new doctrine!

[They all look surprised and cheery, but keep quiet until the sermon is over]

Y/n: This new doctrine will be... a sort of... *mumbles* shit, right.. *speaks* it will be belief of the afterlife! The afterlife exists and death does come for all of us, but when we do die, the souls of those who die go to the afterlife to life their... afterlife to the fullest. So rest easy with this knowledge my faithful followers!

Unknowingly, y/n set back down to the ground after floating up in the air, above the altar... or was it pedestal? either one works... his followers were enlightened by his words, truly believing an afterlife exists.

All of his followers left to go back to doing what they were doing exept one, and he wasn't a follower. It was Ratau! Why is he here? Y/n went to talk to him.

Y/n: Ratau! How have you been friend? Why are you here?

Ratau: Well, I was here to see and hear your first sermon and I have to say... you could've done better, but could've done worse.

Y/n: ...least it wasn't bad...

Ratau: yes, yes...

Ratau digs underground, not to be seen again until whenever he arrives, still confusing y/n on how he gets around anywhere. Putting the thought aside, y/n left to forge his new axe, just got to remember where the forge is... did he build a blueprint for a forge? Time to check...

After checking around the compound, there wasn't a forge built anywhere... how could've he forgotten to build one? Wasting no time thinking, he whipped up a blueprint of a good forge, bringing up the question on how does he know this? Y/n never even seen a forge before, let alone know what it's needing to be built are! So how does he know this..? Could it have been the chained cat? Did he give him this knowledge of... every blueprint he's put down?

Pondering upon these questions stirring up his mind, he completed the blueprint and started to build it, gaining the attention of his followers. After a while, his followers stopped what they were doing (strangely) and watched y/n make something none of them could use unless they were the blacksmith Kudaai.

Still thinking about why he knew all of this, y/n finished the forge and began to look at his creation. Nothing too fancy, just a simple forge with the proper tools for the job... time to get the steel ready. When he turned, he saw his followers look very surprised, wondering why, he asked aloud.

What A Cult! (a male reader insert of: Cult Of The Lamb.)Where stories live. Discover now