Chapter 5: The payoff

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The next week, I did some more odd jobs.

Shooting here, smashing glass there, stab here, stab there, oh, I grinded someone's face off with my bike tire, that was interesting. 


Y/N: Where's the money shithead! Huh?!

Jinx: Tell us! No, actually don't tell us...

Jinx butts him with her shotgun.

I grab him by the collar and rev my bike while it's on the stands. 

Shithead: No... don't do this! 



I make sure my money makes it to a bank account, thanks again to Graves, this man has done so much for me for a while, her and Sarah both, but that's because they see it in me, I guess.

They had my back; I'd do anything to repay them. 

I sit down at the bar in the morning. 

Sarah: So... hit it off with Eve? She seems nice. 

Jinx: Yeah, I'm jealous.

Y/N: Guys! I think that was it, I don't know. 

Jinx: How so?

Y/N: I'm a workhorse, she's a star, I'm from Zaun, she's from Piltover, we're in two separate worlds, that shit won't work... it just won't... heh...

Or will it? 

Jinx: Well, okay, whatever you say, I got a plan for us today!

Jinx starts bouncing up and down in her chair.

Y/N: Alright, what is it? 

Jinx: Meet my gun guy! Jax! 

Y/N: Yeah, I might need more than the pistol and knife, it's good but, I just need more. 

I take it out and flash it around, putting it back in my jacket. 

Glocks are great guns, but I need something that packs a punch, maybe a shotgun or something, if Jax can help with that, that'd be great. 

Jinx and I stand up, taking our leave. 

Jinx: You ride! I'll ride with you. 

I hop on my bike, and she wraps her arms around me, we're just friends. 

Jinx: Take a left...


I pull up to the old shack that Jinx took me to, there's a nice SUV sitting outside it with a driver.

I take my helmet off and set it on my bike. 

Jinx: Okay, so, let me do the talking. 

Y/N: Alright. 

Jinx: He's a quiet guy, but once he knows who you are, he's really nice. 

We walk to the shack, Jinx goes to knock on the door, but we hear...

Muffled Girl: Oh yes! Harder! Jax...

Jinx: Uh... maybe just wait a little bit. 


We back away from the wall.

We both just look at each other awkwardly. 

Y/N: Damn, he gets busy. 

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