Chapter 1

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( in this Wally is about 5'11  instead of 3ft)

I had just turned 19, but it centers around my younger brother since im over 18. I went to go buy presents for him but got caught up with a puppet show my brother used to love,. The store had merchandise and I bought some,. Now I'm on my way home trying to rush home, I had no car cause I was broke so I had to resort to exercise. I panicked since I had a dream a few days ago that I would get kidnapped by a unknown person but whoever it was, had a staring problem. I looked into the forest next to me from afar, wondering what was inside it. As I started I felt a tap on my shoulder and then a bat to the head.


I woke up in a bright ass house that was sure to get me blind, " Hello..? Hello?... Hello?." I said getting up rubbing my head that had a pretty hard hit, "Hello." I heard a soothing voice speak, I looked around and saw a figure, I blinked a bit trying to adjust so I can see and when I was able to see, there was someone staring directly into my eyes, they were very close. I blushed a bit cause they were very close as I mentioned already. I backed up in instinct and broke eye contact, my face was red. "It seems that you love me. huh." The figure said, I looked back up and it looked like a puppet from that show my brother watched.

"Aren't you that puppe-" "I'm not a puppet.." the voice toned to a serious sound, he stopped smiling. I was confused, " So you seem to know me,... take a wild guess on who I am,.." he said, I hesitated, " We all make mistakes, don't be shy, my sweetheart." The figure said, I blushed but then cleared it up. "Uh.... Wally? Wally Darling?" I asked, " correct.." the figure came clear to me, pitch black pupils, a smile. " Hello neighbor." Wally had said. I panicked a bit, "  What the fučk do you mean neighbor,"   "Excuse me?" He stopped smiling and now had a creepy expression. I scrambled up and ran towards the door but a floorboard pushed me back. Fück,

 I scrambled to get back up and book it but a floorboard tripped me again this time I hit a table and a vase fell on my head. The last thing a heard and saw and blood and sweaty hands picking me up, " bad home! You made my friend hurt!" "Yea yea yea, that didn't help!"


I woke up in a bed and felt my head bandaged as well as my torso, I blushed at what he had to do but also I guess it was nice. Though I can't get off the though he basically just kidnapped me and acting like everything is alright, EVERYTHING IS NOT ALRIGHT. " calm down sweetheart.  Everything is alright." I saw Wally laying right next to me, it hurt too much to back away so I just sat there making eye contact with him. Any little small movement of me seeming to look away he inched closer. 

Then I took the time to analyze his face, I blushed a bit cause he seemed to notice that. " would you like a closer look?" He said followed with a monotone laugh, I looked away embarrassed, is this person seriously rizzing me up already? I mean he has a hot voice, a perfect figure at least for me. And I'm ( taller/shorter) than him, he's perfect... Actually what the fuck am I saying he's my kidnapper , I looked back at him and he had a blush on his face with a smile like he knew what I was thinking...?

Eyes on you (Wally x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now