Chapter 13: Panic

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Once we got back home Wally went to go cook and I was opening the letters, three that caught my eye had read.

Dear, Y/N

You aren't safe, you won't be safe by him, get away before the dance, in that stance you be the next cancellation, you only have until to dance to figure out if he loves you or not, your best bet is to run and never look back, find the portal.

By: ???

I was wondering what dance, I was never told? And do they mean death is Wally planning to kill me, but they said it's a chance he won't but I have a feeling he has never.

The next one also caught my eye 

Dear, Y/N 

He's not on your side, keep yourself safe, look him in the eyes when he's looking at you, he loves eye contact, keep on his good side and don't be like the other mistakes.

Your One and True Love, ????

I already knew that, he can kill me in a blink pft. Next!

There is no time, the dance has already caught you. Keep your day counting or your life won't be moving along. You have no time,  get some good clothes, try and get something apple scented, do your hair. Make sure you will survive, watch out for his moves, get the hang of it, don't end up like the last victims. Make him feel loved, don't mess this up.

Your Helper, ?????

Last  victims? You mean there were more people here than me, I need to get this letter hidden. I quickly folded It and put it in my pocket. I turned around and Wally was still cooking, I got up walked over to him and hugged him from behind. He jumped and then went limp, I giggled a bit. I then put him down and he stood up and looked at me. I looked back at him straight in the eyes,   his smile somehow widened. He then turned off the stove, I got confused but didn't break eye contact. I got backed up to the table, he had lifted up my chin and I turned red. He then gave me a kiss on the cheek, I covered my face from embarrassment. "What's wrong?" He had asked trying not to widen his smile, "N..Nothing!" I replied with obviously not trying to seem embarrassed or anything.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Love, you don't seem like it's nothing." He had said, he then grabbed my chin again, "Perhaps your embarrassed?"

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