Chapter 18: left

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Suddenly we were teleported, I fell down. "You gotta warn me before you do that." "If I did you would protest." I started standing up and dusting off my clothes, "Oh and Eddie and Julie left to another neighborhood to find and make more friends and for Eddie to deliver more mail." "Oh alright!" I responded to, I still don't like Eddie for when he purposely gave me to Wally, but Julie was nice even though I barely got to see her, "Oh right, what were you guys talking about when I woke up last last night getting water?" I said as I grabbed a glass of water, Wally froze from that question, "Oh haha. We were just talking about the dance!" "Also what did you call me that night? I don't think I was awake enough." "Oh nothing! I just called you by your name!"

"I don't think so, I think you called me something like Mr/Mrs. Darling or something" I then drank some water after saying that, I was thinking what that meant. Awkward silence filled the air, then realization punched me in the stomach. I spit out my water, "YOU THINK WE ARE MARRIED SOMETHING?!" "NONONO IT WAS LITERALLY JUST A NICKNAME! YOU UNDERSTOOD ME WRONG!""I THINK I GOT THAT MEANING CLEARER THEN THE GLASS IM DRINKING FROM!" "IT WAS JUST. A. NICKNAME!" I just sighed, "just admit I'm right. "BUT YOU'R-" we heard whispering, Wally and I looked out the window and saw Barnaby, Sally and Howdy whispering to each other. They then looked at us, they ran all the way back to their houses, Wally and I laughed.

I then ran upstairs and Wally followed, "I wonder if you removed those drawings or paintings of me." "Maybe you shouldn't wonder!" I opened the door before to yanked me back. "Nope instead you added more." "Uh, so see that wasn't me." "Then who was it?" "sesenta" "Wally... that's sixty in Spanish.." "oh.."

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