Chapter 9: Day out of a chunk

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"Oh Wally I wanted to tell you, we are going to explore since your show was sort of canceled awhile ago." "Things have changed?" "Sir. It's been a while, even though you haven't changed the world has." He looked happy to go out and explore, "Adventures and beyond!" He said while going to get his shoes, yes I did get him shoes. I went to go get my shoes too, "and since you know you're sort of a child I can bring you into a restaurant, just hide your eating it would be weird to see that to others." He nodded in agreement. I picked up Wally and grabbed my backpack of money and left. Once we got outside I put him in the back seat and buckled him down, I went to the drivers seat and got ready to drive.


We arrived at the nearby Walmart and went to the technology section. "Woahhh" he said, I can guess he was surprised, "you didn't have phones?" "No, we just didn't have those weird looking things." "Oh." We went around nearly the whole store because thing Wally found interest to. "That'll be $304.11" I just sighed and gave the cashier the money. "Happy?" "Very!" Wally had made a high jump for his height. "Nice jump!" I gave him a little high five, we made our way over to the car. I let him get in first before I put the bags in the trunk. We went around 5 other different stores before we went to the restaurant, I just sighed before we walked in. We quickly got seated and got our food, everything was going well until I think I jinxed it. 

A familiar (man / women) walk up to our table, it was my ex. I put up my hood but he already recognized me, "oh wait, Y/N is that you?!" they had said, I didn't respond. They reached over to grab my arm but Wally smacked his arm. "Oi pipsqueak! Don't touch me!" I whispered for Wally to say he needs to use the bathroom and turn invisible, I also added in that he can bite him. I kept my ex distracted for a minute before Wally spoke up, " I need to use the restroom, excuse me." He said while getting up and running to the restroom.  My ex sat down across from me, "hah, it seems you grown cuter over the time we broke up. Maybe you can take me back." "I'm not taking you back after what you have done."

I saw Wally coming back, it doesn't seem like anyone else saw him, Wally climbed under the table and punched his stomach I'm guessing. "Ow! I just felt a sharp pain in my stomach" then I saw a chunk of his shoulder disappear and start bleeding, "Ow! Ow! Someone help! A chunk of my shoulder is gone!" Then another chunk until his arm had nothing left. "Someone call a ambulance!" I acted out, crying on command. I pointed at someone and told them to call an ambulance, Wally came running out the restroom hugging my leg, "what's happening?" He said with sadness in his voice, I guess he caught on to what I was doing. The ambulance came, carried my ex out and escorting everyone out.

I was brought with Wally to the police station, "Ok, I want to interrogate you for what had happened." I nodded, as I wiped the tears off my face. "When you were talking to him did you see anything out of the ordinary." "No.. I was just.. talking to him.. and.." I started crying on command again, "it's okay, it's okay." I just nodded and started wiping my tears again. " Okay, when he was talking what did you tell the kid?" "I told him to go hide in the... restroom incase ..if things take a ..turn." "What do you mean by problems?" "They used to have anger outbursts. It never had a good ending." The officer sighed and asked more questions. "Ok, I think you won't be guilty so you are taken out this, they might of had some medical issues." "..okay.."

I picked up Wally and got walked out, I drove home. Wally was talking the whole way there, when we walked inside the house, he immediately clung to my leg. "What's wrong." "You can't leave me." "I won't leave you." He yanked on my shirt signaling to get down. I bent down to his face level and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I turned red a bit, " who taught you that?!" "Barnaby! He showed me on a mannequin, he said to do that when you really love someone!" I after he responded with that he gave me a pat on the head, I was left in shock as he walked away. I then shook my head and got up, "oh and Wally sorry for how today ended." "It's okay! It's not your fault they showed up and got hurt!" He responded.

I had walked over to the kitchen since I was hungry, we never even got to start eating. "Wally do you still want to eat?" "Yes! Even though I already ate." I knew he was referring to my ex's arm, I just sighed and grabbed the ingredients this time I was making a type of food my mother loved. I didn't know exactly how it was made but I'll try, I started putting the ingredients in the pot. The familiar smell filled the kitchen, Wally came tugging on my shirt. "Are you done yet?" "No wally it takes awhile." I gave him a smile before he walked away. I walked away from the pot for 15 minutes and the food was done. I put the food on the plate brought it to the table and made sure to grab an apple and put it next to Wally's plate. "Wally! Foods ready!" I yelled.

Wally came running from where he was and sat down on the chair, "Thank you!" He said, "No problem" I responded with as I started eating my food. A few minutes we both had finished eat and I got on my computer, I searched up and researched many different things just because I felt like it. "What are you looking for it's already late." "Wally it's only 8 pm." "That's late." I just sighed and got up. I made sure to turn off my computer and Wally looked at the wall while I put on my pajamas, "are you done?" "Yes." He jumped in the bed, I laid next to him and got some sleep.

(Word Count: 1100, the reason being is because we reaching 1.1k reads! Thank you all who have read up to this point, also on the last authors note. I tried putting three comments together in one whole chapter, not sure if I should have done that but I'm done now. Again thank you for 1.1k reads! I really thought this book wouldn't have done good but I was proven wrong. Anyways, I hope you all had a nice day! Cya next chapter!)

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