Chapter 4: invitations

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I walked to Wally's house with art supplies, just incase if he forgets any. Once I got there home was mad at him, poor Wally was punching the door trying to get out. Wally ran up stairs and put his face against the window mouthing that Home is mad because he can't find his beret. I laughed at him, "HOMEEE LET ME OUT IM SORRY IT DROPPED IN THE LAKE!" He shouted as he tried opening the door. Finally the door opened and Wally ran out with a smile. "FREEDOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" he shouted, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to a lake without looking back. There were already places where we could paint, he sat me down in one of the stools.

I laughed a bit cause he was looking for art supplies and thought we had none, then I decided to show him I brought some in my duffle bag. "Oh.", he grabbed a paint brush and paint, I had already started though, "Oh and Y/N, I was planning on having a sleepover with the neighbors and I wanted to invite you first!" He said happily, I nodded as he got started to paint. I looked at him from time to time because I was drawing him, to be honest I noticed the swirl in his hair looked like a cinnamon roll. It was a few hours of us painting, I wanted it to be detailed but not too detailed. I'm pretty sure he's just a slow painter, I was already on my third drawing of him. We also did take breaks from time to time as Poppy worried of us starving.

When it hit sunset we sat by the lake admiring the beautiful waters in the sunset. I leaned on his shoulder because I was tired, I felt like people were taking pictures of us but I ignored it at least. That's when Wally got up to clean up so I got up and helped him. I let him hold the canvas and easels and I just carried the stools and my duffle bag, It started to rain. I don't think he liked the rainy cause he ran and I ran after him. We made it back to Home though, his cinnamon roll of hair fell down. I laughed at him and got a sort of serious face, he was very unhappy about it.

I gave him a hug and he went limp and he fell, I had to fall along with him. Then I heard ringing, I tried covering my ears but could still hear it, I panicked. But then I woke up in my bed.

(Sorry for the short chapter it was sort of rushed)

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