Chapter 21: Restart

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Later on, we were watching movies, just chilling out, it was awfully silent, and there was this weird light coming from one of the doors in Wally's house. I tried to ignore it, but i couldn't, i got annoyed by it. "Hey, Wally, i'm going to go to the.. kitchen real quick" I said, i made a excuse, it wasn't a good one, but good enough for a murderous puppet to believe. "Ah, okay!" he responded with as i got up and walked off. I came to the door, i slowly opened it, the light was blinding. The last thing i heard was Wally yelling at me to not do it. When i woke up, i was outside my house, my head was hurting. I slowly looked up, my blood was on the ground, i guess i broke my nose or had a nose bleed. I saw Wally, the same spot before he killed them all. Sitting there, looking at me, i recognized those eyes, without even looking up and focusing fully. I was a bit shaken up, but nonetheless, i got up. 

Wally momentarily glared at me, before walking back inside. I hadn't noticed that before, i just probably wasn't looking at him before this happened. Did he only kill them in the future to get my attention? I wasn't sure, but, i decided to suck it up and walking inside my house. I tried to figure out what could bring them together to avoid the killing. Could this cause a paradox or will it be fine to mess with the future? i didn't want to make the risk, but, it was worth it. After all, i loved all the neighbors, equally too. I felt a little heartbroken when i found out his had killed them, i was just getting comfortable. Enough with the sob story though, i have a plan to make, and it has to be before noon.

That's when my thinking paused, if he would just want my attention, why not host a party? Talk to him all that sort while the others hang around. We could host it in that hen's house, i think her name was Poppy if i recall. That would be a great idea, so there i was, walking to her house. I had a box of things and thankfully nobody else was outside during the walk otherwise plans would be exposed. I knocked on her door, waiting patiently for an answer. She opened the door not long after, "why hello there!" she said cheerfully, i loved her voice, it kept me happy, it influenced me to be happy. 

"Hi!" I said with a slight smile on my face, she let me walked in, no questions asked. She immediately shut the door and whispered, "Wally's been acting weird lately, he's been distant from us. Do you know what's going on?" She asked, it seems like I'm not the only one who has noticed, I'm glad, " No, i don't, but ill try to fix it, that's why i came here. I know you have a barn to live in, buttttt, is it fine if i host a part for the whole neighborhood?" I asked, of course i couldn't do it without asking first, that'd be disrespectful, "Of course! what time is the part though" She questioned, "It has to be before noon starts, that's the only requirement." She nodded and that's when we started working.

She grabbed the lights out the box and hung them up, i walked back to my house, getting the tables. The walk felt longer, but, i still rushed. It was 9 AM and we had 3 hours, 3 exact hours to stop the disaster. I worked fast, putting the exact number of hats on the tables, "What are the hats for?" She asked, i was confused on why i had put the hats on the table too. I thought, then she had a thought, "Is it Wally's birthday?" That was it! We forgot his birthday and he's mad at us for it! But did this dumbass really have to commit mass murder? Why was I left alive?

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