Chapter 15: Dangerous Dance

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By the time I had my clothes on including the gloves I already looked good besides my bed hair, "You look good Y/N! Now it's just for that hair." Julie had said, I just sighed and sat down on a chair. When they were done it was 7pm, the gave me a mirror to look at and I had like. Messy wavy middle part, I gave them a thumbs up and they celebrated. "Also it's 7pm." "Oh shoot! The dance already started a minute ago!" Julie had shouted as she grabbed mine and Sally's hand and dragged us out, I managed to get on shoes though. I just sighed as I forced myself up out her hand. We arrived soon, about 7:10 pm, "Well. Well. Well. Look who finally showed up fresh." Wally had said walking straight up to me.

He put his hand out as the music started, I could tell he had something behind his back. I just sighed and grabbed his hand, right when I did that I got pulled and he started started dancing and I just followed. That's when he pulled out the knife and my eyes swiped over to his that were focused on me, I was going to panic but I remember the letter. I kept eye contact, a few times the knife neared my neck where the tie identical to Wally's was. I never panicked though, I then smiled for a second as I took control and leaned him down. I gave him a little kiss on the cheek and everyone had a audible gasp. I gave a smile and giggle before he went out his shocked state,   This dance went on for a few minutes until he purposely fell. 

The knife was at my neck but I knew he wouldn't stab me, his eyes were in hearts. Everyone looked away, He moved his arm to the side just in time to not stab me, everyone looked back expecting me to be dead. They went shocked that I wasn't bleeding out, Wally's eyes were shaking. I smiled, he let go of the knife that was stabbed in the floor, he hugged me and cried in my chest, I just was surprised but just patted the back of his head.

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