Chapter 6: Realization

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You woke up, Wally was still asleep, you sighed and slowly got out his grasp since he was asleep. You checked the time and it was 12 pm. I missed breakfast sadly, I never missed lunch though! That's when Wally woke up, "Neighbor.. I want to go to my world.." he said, I sighed, "fine." I went on the welcome home site, " i forgot how to get there." I said as Wally got up and teleported us. I looked around and luckily we were back. So we can really warp into each others realities basically, i thought. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw the only and only Wally.

It offended you that you had to be shorter than him but I guess it's fair since I'm taller than him in the real world. "I have a question " he had mentioned, I gave a confused look, he gently grabbed me by my chin and made me have eye contact with him. "Y/N,.." I turned red, " Do you want to go painting with me? Barnaby said that it's called a date where you go with a person you love do stuff together!" I didn't answer so he continued, "He also said it was romance" He had added on. I smiled a bit, "yea sure we can do that." 

He let go and I turned back the other way to my house. "Uh wait Y/N , I want to stay with you " "Wally I just want to chill" Then he blinked at my house. "Wally." "Not my fault you didn't listen." He looked away and crossed his arms. I just sighed, "then where am I going to live?" "Guess." "You I'm guessing?" He nodded, "I'd rather stay at-" "What?" He had cut me off, his eyes dilated. " So what I was saying was I'd love to stay with you.. and home." I lied, sweating, "ah okay" he replied and he widened his smile and grabs my arm. 

"I have legs y'know." "Ok and?" Did this puppet just give me an attitude, I smacked his hand and walked quicker then him. " I'm going to go talk to Frank, I'll be back later" I said walking to Frank's, I got no answer. Did he get Jealous or something? I just continued my walk there, I waved at Frank. "Hey Fra-", " Shut up I'm spying on butterflies" damn, that was rude. Kind of hurt my feelings, I just turned around and walked towards Home and knocked on the door. Home opened the door and I just fell down on the couch and started thinking. Do I like Wally?  Am I really falling for him? I have to come to conclusion, everything I feel about him. They all lead up to 


(So surprisingly I finished whatever I was doing early so.)

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