Chapter 5: Worry and Panic.

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I cried when I woke up, I was pale and scared. Then I realized, everything wasn't real. Me going home wasn't real, me getting kidnapped wasn't real. My parents died, Im a only child. I feel touch starved and panicked, you start shaking uncontrollably and curl up into a ball. You don't like getting separated from loved ones, you were told that you had separation anxiety but never believed it. Look at you now pathetic and weak without the only person who lifted you into their arms, you start having a panic attack. Crying uncontrollably on you grab on the bed, your tears soaking in the bed sheets.

No one to help you, you never knew that a person, can make you feel like a worthless, meaningless, piece of trash on the sidewalk. You heard a knock on the front door, you try to suck it up but you can't. You just got up with a blanket shaking uncontrollably, tears dripping from your face, you opened the the door and there was a 3'4 foot box. You just dragged it in while shaking you were able to suck up the tears, you shut the door. You dragged it to your room, out of sheer anger you open the box with just one hand. Even though it was taped shut tight, you saw a familiar figure. It was Wally, did he mail his self to you?

"Hi neighbor."  I was shocked as he stood up out the box, I knelt down poking him. He had skin like material but you can tell this adorable kitten was filled with cotton. You immediately hugged him and he went limp. You cried for about 3 minutes until you let go, "I thought I fuckin lost you!" You said to him, he was thinking of a response. "I would never leave you, Neighbor!" He replied with happily. You calmed down while in his presence, you picked up your phone that was surprisingly charged. "Whats that?" Wally questioned, "A phone, they changed it up. You unlock your phone opening the welcome home site, "Oh. That's when I fell into sleep and fell into your world." You said, you exited it and you had over a thousand messages from friends and family, even from your ex. 

"Jeez. People actually seem to care." You said sighing. "I'm probably going to have to dye my hair and change my style. Maybe to something more dark then I usually wear, and Definitely a new phone." I said getting up, Wally looked confused, "oh right you haven't been here, we are going to a store hopefully you know what it is" he nodded, I looked at him for a second trying to see if I would need to put him in a book bag or not, "You're trying to figure if you are able to hide me or not aren't you?" He asked, I stood there sort of shocked he knew. Awfully offended though knowing that someone can possibly read my thoughts. When I'm thinking he's going to have to go be hidden.

"Don't worry I can hide myself, basically making myself invisible to everyone around me except you." I was happy that he could, "that's great then, let's go." You grabbed a backpack of some money, you walked out to your car while Wally followed, you put him in the back seat and drive. He kept asking questions until we got there, he climbed in the buggy and pointed at stuff he wanted to add on. Luckily we made it back to my house, i carried the bags and Wally carried his apples. I put everything up and I let Wally keep his apples since he didn't let me put it in the kitchen. 

 I smiled at him staring at the apples, happy he isn't staring at me for now. I stop staring at him and walked over to my computer and sat down to set up my new phone. I also got on my computer and went on the welcome home site. Wally crawled by me and tucked on my pants, "Why are you on the site..." he asked in a lower voice than his regular voice, "uhh.. to pass time while setting up my phone." I replied "Get off the site." His eyes dilated fully when he said that, I'm guessing that means danger but I want to test his patience, may be a risk but I'm taking it. 

"And if I don't?" I asked, now the next thing surprised me, he yanked me off the chair and I fell head first on the floor, the mini Elvis Presley hopped up on my chair and closed the tab. He stared at me from the chair, I guess he finally came to his senses cause he ran over laying on my crying because he hurt me. I patted his back, "I'm Sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I was just trying to protect you and.." "haha, Darling, it's alright " he seemed to freeze hearing me saying his name.  I just sighed and picked him up and sat him on my bed.

I'm lucky I didn't have a concussion at least, I give him a small smile to let him get over it. I got my new phone and set it up quickly. Then I went to the kitchen and started cooking f/f (Favorite Food.) I smile while making it reminds me of when I was a kid. I also got some apple I think Wally saw it cause he came tugging on my shirt reaching for it. I gave it to him and he went to go hide around a corner. I laughed a bit and went back to cooking, half an hour later it was done, I put the food on a plate and brought the two plates to the table. I added an apple on the side for Wally.

Wally came running to the table and sat down. He stared at me not eating, I looked the other way still looking at him from the corner of my eye as he blinks his food away. "So I wasn't seeing things when, you do eat with your eyes. He looked away and threw a fit because I saw him, I laughed a bit and ate my food. "Do you want that apple or not?" He immediately grabbed the apple and put it on the counter. I snuck away and put on my pajamas, and then laid down in my bed staring at my ceiling. Wally soon crawled by my and put his arm on the back on my shirt and tightened the grip. "You no leave my grasp." He said as he fell asleep. 

I just went on my phone and stayed up until 6:55 am. I put my phone down and closed my eyes, then I just fell asleep.

(A/N:Sort of a long chapter word count is around 1200, I thought it would only be reasonable to have a long chapter if I'm just going on a break I would feel back if I didn't. I'll probably be back update next Wednesday.)

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