Chapter 10: ?

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I woke up on Wally's couch, I know I never asked to be here, I was really confused. I got up off the couch looking around, I yawned and went upstairs. Wally's room had a sign on it saying 'Keep Out' now you know me, I just had to break this small rule. I pick locked the door quietly somehow, I opened the door and it was Wally sitting. It was dark and only candles lit where Wally was, I looked ahead of where his mirror was and it was a picture of me. Wally turned around with a paint brush in his hand, his pupils sort of dilated. I got ready to run, when I blinked he was already up, hearts were in his eyes. When I try to back out the door, I think home closed it. I was backed up to the door and Wally had covered my mouth, "ha. ha. ha. What brings you here, my love?" He said.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. How silly of me. You can't speak." He uncovered my mouth, I was tempted to scream but I didn't, "I was uh.. just curious." "You weren't supposed to know this." I didn't answer so he continued "Y/N my love, I'm way too obsessed for you, I love you! I want you to love me too, accept your love for me." I do like love him but it's like something is stopping me, "I'll kill for you!", you wouldn't accept that you loved him, you wouldn't have if you weren't being confronted, "Tell me, Y/N, do you love me or not." I want to say it, it's just three words, "I love you." He said he stared directly into my eyes, I turned red, "I.. I love you too!" I managed to get out. His smile definitely widened more.

He just stared into my eyes and I stared back, I gave a smile. "Stay with me. You won't leave me will you? I'll be better then anyone you have dated before I will turn to be the number 1 person of who you love. If even a single person harasses you or assaults you. They will be dead, you know that." He said, "I'll stay with you." I responded with, "Good. Cause I won't ever leave you, I love you way to much to do that. I have been loving you and I won't stop loving you." The candles blew out when he said that and the only thing visible was the hearts in his eyes. "Just focus on me, don't stop looking at me." I stepped on a floor board that was loose and hit Wally in the head

"I want you to accept me as yours. I won't give up"

Eyes on you (Wally x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now