Chapter 2: Give In.

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"That's not appropriate to think of,  neighbor" he said with a red face, I turned red too. "Also thanks..." I said trying to get off the current topic, "Anything for you neighbor!" He said, not breaking eye contact with me. Does he like eye contact or something. I sat for a bit and finally gained the confidence to get up, pain taking over but I covered it as much as I can, Wally noticed I was struggling so he helped. I feel like something was making me forget this is my damn kidnapper, I need to escape. After he helped me up when he turned away I ran away, down the stairs, years of training will help with this run. This time time I was able to step one foot out the door, I heard and guessed that the floorboard will make me trip and I think the house controls it. My guess was right cause the floorboard flipped.

 Instead of falling for it, my foot outside the door boosted me out. I looked back and Wally was straight up crawling like a gremlin after me, that influenced me to run. I ran into a mailman, "Ack! Please help that thing is chasing after me!" I said to the mailman, he started sweating with horror in his eyes, I turned around and Wally was there with his usual face, then I turned back to the mailman lifting me up and giving me to Wally, "Hey! What the hell man!" I tried to fight my way out of Wally's grip but then I felt a needle in my back then I passed out.

So uh I woke up chained to a wall with multiple locks. "Uhh what's this for?" I asked, " since your trifling legs can seem to stop running out the door I found a solution." I rolled my eyes in response, I looked in front of me again and this man looked at me with eyes that read,' I'm going to murder you if you even breathe.' I stopped breathing and did not break eye contact, the only times where he forced me to breathe when I nearly died. This went on until nighttime, my bandages weren't changed so blood was dripping down. He let me down and the first thing that happened is that I lost my balance and he caught me in his chest. 

Man, it felt like I had three bottles of alcohol when I got down. " Are you okay, dear?" He asked, I was really about to say ' Dafauk? Does it seem like that, Simpson?'  Instead I said, "sir, does it fuckin look like it?" He let out a offended gasp, "Language, Y/N!" That's when I went pale.. I never even told him my name, I looked up and everything was black except his figure, the only noise I heard was his voice. Don't tell me I'm going to give in already, I'm not giving into this psycho freak. "That's not nice to say.. maybe I'll let you go upstairs on your own." When he said that, I fell down as he walked away, "Wally!" I yelled, that made him stop. 

He didn't look at me, tears filled my eyes, my blood from my head and torso fell on the floor. He turned around with a face I could of thought was in my nightmares, "What you said about me was not very neighborly.." he walked back over to me after he grabbed what looked like a knife. I panicked and backed up, "Wally wait!" I yelled, I hit the wall. "Oh dear.. are you okay? Should I help you? Or help my needs?" After he said that, he pulled out the knife from behind his back.

" ha. ha. ha. ha." He did that monotone laugh again,  tears stream down my face trying to find something. "Neighbor.. don't worry it will all be okay soon." He raised his knife.

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