Chapter 11

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"Wally, what's wrong?" "Huh?" "Are you jealous of someone or something?" He went quiet as I said that, he looked down at the ground.  I pulled Wally into a hug, as expected he went limp. "What are you jealous for?" I had asked when I let go of him. I thought for a second, "Oh. Yesterday." I went silent, "Wally, im not leaving and I have already decided that." I tried reassuring him, he was just quiet, insanely quiet that it was creepy. "Im sorry, neighbor.", I patted his head as in a way for forgiving him. Is this why Home closed the door? They wanted me to deal with Wally most likely. "I'm sorry for yesterd-" "it's my fault for acting out like this because of it."

"No, it's alright you were just a little worried." "Ok." I opened the door and walked out cause I had my mind on breakfast now, I'm starving. I went back downstairs and went to the kitchen, I looked around for food besides apples. I found eggs, cinnamon, and bread, I came to the conclusion to make French toast. I nearly fell asleep while the stove was on, I would of burnt my face though. I don't know why i suddenly felt sleepy cause I just woke up. Soon when I finished Wally came walking down stairs and I already had finished my breakfast. I went to go out for a walk but home rudely slammed the door, "Damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the.... Street?"

(Just a VERY short chapter so I have more time to think about the next one.)

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