Chapter 20: Cry

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"..Would love to dance with you!", my hand got grabbed and I got scared because I couldn't see, "Don't worry. Ill guide you. After all, I did keep you safe during all these times.", I think his right hand drifted down my body to my waist, and even though he did that. Those eyes were never off of me, it was like staring into a dark abyss with spirals. I then felt him intertwine our hands, my eyes stopped focusing on him, I just focused on our moves. We danced for about fifteen more minutes until the music stopped and Wally went to go sit down, I was just contemplating if what I just experienced was real. "My love, I'm going to my room now. I suggest you come up soon too." He had said when getting up to go upstairs.

I waited for him to go and then I started checking floorboards, some were freaking earlier and I have suspicions there's a room under. I found the 5 floorboards, I carefully removed them. There were stairs though, I just walked down it and the end was a horror to see. There were veins on the floor, Barnaby's head was gone. Frank's head was gone but just got turned inside out, Julie's wasn't that bad, it was just a hole was taken out her chest. I wasn't able to move, I just wanted to throw up in that moment. "Silly. Silly. What are you doing where you aren't supposed to be." I heard footsteps from the stairs. I hid by the wall so when they pass by I can run up the stairs, "Don't hide from me, I won't hurt you. I just have some questions." He looked over at me.

Hearts were glowing in his eyes, suddenly when I blinked I was pinned to the wall. I avoided looking at his eyes immediately, "oh, Y/N, don't look away." It was silent before he spoke up again, "Do you not want my love anymore?" "I.. uh.." You don't want my love?.. You.. don't want.. my love?.." "Wally, your sick. You need help." "I need help." "Yes." "What's.. help?." Uh, you know assistance, uh.. supportive action. You really need it." "Oh.", Wally just wrapped his arms around me and started crying into my shirt, sobbing almost. "I'm... so..rry..." I patted his back as he was about to make me cry, "It's.. I guess okay.. all you really needed in just... help.. all you really required was help.. you can go ahead and cry all you want." He started crying and sobbing. I just patted his back. Poor boy, all he really needed was supportive actions but I don't think he has gotten any, besides me being here. I feel bad, even though for what he has done, I don't think he would of done this with help. 

He really just need some love and supportive action, look at what it has came to with none.

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