Chapter 16: shock

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I looked around while Wally cried in my chest, everyone was frozen in shock. No one had thoughts of not being shocked, I bet they were just focused on how I survived. I'm wondering too, I would normally freak out if I had a knife pointed to my neck while in motion. I just stayed calm though, I don't know how but I did, I'm as shocked as everyone else. I just sat there patting Wally's head lightly until he lifted up his head and looked into my eyes. I felt him peering in my soul, shivers ran down my spine. "True... love?..." he had said, I gave a confused face as he was still peering into my soul like he was searching for something. "You're.. the one... for me?.."  he said, "huh? Repeat that?"  I replied with.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I was confused, "you were there." "What do you mean?" "You know what I mean." "I don't but i guess I'll figure out in the future." Wally just sighed and went back to laying on me, "y'know we are on the floor." "Don't care." "Ah ok." I said, immediately picking him up at the same time of getting up, "Uh hello! Everybody out of candy land!" I shouted and everyone snapped out of shock and started whispering to each other. I walked out the party gave Wally the silent treatment while walking back to Home. I opened the door forcefully and jumped over the floorboard that tried to trip me, I put Wally down and he was probably questioning what possessed me to do this.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, my grip tightened around the knife. I stabbed my leg and let it sit there, I felt nothing. I started as the blood dripped down my leg, I just sighed. I thought about going back to reality with Wally. Ignoring the pain that suddenly came in, I opened my eyes to a blood pool slowly building up under me. I looked around and I saw that we were back in reality, I quickly grabbed a bandage near me and took out the knife. I rolled up my pants leg and wrapped it in bandages, "Neighbor.. what did you do?" I turned to my right to look at Wally while finishing wrapping my leg, "Nothing, just testing things." I replied with and then heard a knock on the door,  I did sign language to tell Wally that if someone comes in to turn invisible.

I went to go get the door and it was the police, "hello mr/mrs. L/N. We came here to inspect your house. We have had recent sightings of a puppet, it's about 3ft tall of what the people who have seen it. We also have a search warrant so theres no reason for you to try to say that we don't have a warrant." "Oh alright, ow! You can come in and look around!" I shouted making sure Wally heard, "Are you okay?" "Ah I'm sorry I just recently, ow! Dropped a knife on my leg and it stabbed through. I have dealt with it though. "Okay." The officer said walking inside looking around, I just sighed. I honestly felt like crying, but that would seem like I'm a little bitch right? That's how it works, I think?

"Alright, thank you for letting us search with no complaints, we have seen nothing. If you see anything that looks like it make sure you notify the police so we can execute it and maybe execute the person who may be protecting that puppet."  That right there would of made me burst into tears because how he threatened Wally, I would of killed him right then and there but people would figure out. "Okay."  I probably killed his soul with the look I gave gave him cause he ran out, I slammed the door closed and locked it. I sighed loudly, a life can never be lived normally, can it?

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