Chapter 7: Frank Hatings.

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Wally's POV

This is stupid, first they have Frank as their favorite, and now they want to hang out with Frank. Why does Frank even have to live here, I can kill him any second. He knows about me and it's just even stupider that I keep him alive with that secret weapon. I want Y/N to only love me, nobody else, if anyone else gets in my way. Then I'm going to figure something out, no one else can steal them from me. 

Back to your POV

Wally had just walked in, he immediately changed his mood though. It was clear he was angry about something, "Oh hey, Wally, what's up?" "Nothing, Neighbor!" I just let out a sigh, "If you want to hang out we can." I said, his eyes lit up, "yay!", that made his murderous aura go away. I got up and walked to the kitchen, "Wally this apple is going to rot." "Ah no it's not, it'll be fine! It's  very majestic like me, and my beauty hasn't changed, right?" "So you love pushing your ego huh?" "Hah, how rude. I would never say that about you. Sure you may have some flaws but your perfect for me! Plus sometimes your needy and I need that!"

"haha. Great joke, Wally!" "What joke?" He tilted his head. "Stop doing that!" I looked away, "Huh? Doing what?" "Nevermind." "Also can we go back to reality tomorrow?" "You don't like being short do you?" "Ha how funny, shut up." I said with a smile, he let out a gasp. "Such rudeness neighbor, I have done no such thing to offend!" He replied back with, "Lets just go do something." I dragged him by his arm when I walked by. I opened the door and just kept dragging him. "Uh, Neighbor, I can walk perfectly fine!" "Well saying that you aren't fighting to get up it shows that you can't." 

Frank was across the street still examining butterflies, "Hey Frank!" "SHHHHH, you're going to scare the butterflies flies off!" I just let out a sigh. I looked behind me cause the sudden strength from Wally fighting to get up was gone, I looked back over at Frank. Wally was talking to him, from whatever Wally was saying or doing made Frank filled with fear, I got confused. Was Wally mad at the way Frank spoke to me? However my thoughts were over when Wally walked back with the same smile but wider.

Then Wally scooped me up and started running, I was going to yell in fear until I realized it was bridal style. "Hey! Put me down!" "No! You dragged me I carry you!" "Reasonable.", he ran to Howdy's, then he finally put me down. "Hey Howdy!" "Oh hello, Wally!" I went to go walk around in the store while Howdy had to block Wally from display apples. "Bad Wally." Wally looked back at me, "I want an apple!" "No. You can get one later." "I want one nowww!" "You may not have one." This went back and forth for at least 2 minutes.

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