Chapter 12: neighbors?

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I finally got out the house only because Wally finished eating and followed me. I just sighed, "Neighbor! We could go see the other neighbors!" "There's other neighbors besides Howdy, Frank who we shouldn't speak of, and that mailman?" "Of course there is why would there be? Do you think the other houses are decoration or something?" "Not really." He then grabbed my hand and dragged me to a barn house, I was confused but just went along with it. We got there and I knocked on the door, a chicken came out. I tilted my head in confusion, "Oh hello new neighbor!" " oh uh, hi!" I was welcomed into the barn, the smell of cookies immediately hit me. "Can I have some?" I asked, they looked over at Wally and immediately got an answer, "Sure!" 

I smiled as they brought the tray of cookies over, I grabbed a cookie not caring what face was on it. I looked at Wally and he looked horrified, "that.. was the cookie... with my face.." "Well damn it's just a cookie, tastes hella good though. Thank you!" "Your welcome! Also my name is Poppy! I hope we can be friends!" "For sure we can be friends!", Wally cut into the conversation," Alright we have to go out time is shortening for the other neighbors, Y/N!" "Oh alright! Cya Poppy!" "Cya!", I smiled as I walked out, I skipped over to a door that had a sun and a moon. "Who's house is this?" I had asked Wally, he was already looking at me, "How about you find out?", I went to knock on the door and a person who looked like a sun.

"Oh hello!", I was quite stunned about seeing a person who looked like a sun, "oh, hi!" I managed to say, "I'm Sally Starlet! I hope we can be great friends and go on adventures!" "Oh, I'm Y/N! Yeah we could be friends and maybe we can go on a adventure later if I have time?" "Mhm sure!" Then they looked over at Wally and quickly making something to say, " Oh uh, I forgot I was going on a adventure with Julie, sorry!" They had quickly closed the door, "Ah, okay?", "Next neighbor! I guess they were surely in a rush!" he said walking away to a house with a heart in it. I quickly ran up to the door and knocked on the door, It was a little girl, she looked down but once looked at Wally she straightened up.

"Hello, new neighbor! I'm Julie!  I hope we can be friends maybe play hopscotch!" She took another looked at Wally and I could see fear, " but I have an adventure with Sally! Before I go what's your name?" "Oh! I'm Y/N!" "Great name! And sorry neighbor I have to get ready for the adventure with  Sally, cya!" She quickly closed the door, I just walked past Wally looking down. My hair hanging over my face,  since we were walking by Frank's old house. I then looked up and saw a blue dog house, it made me feel happy so I ran over to it and knocked on the door. A dog came walking out, "Aw Wally who's this! Your little secret neighbor I have been hearing rumors about?" "Ha. Ha. Ha. How funny, Barnaby!" Wally replied with looking away,

 "anyways what's your name little angel!" "Oh, I'm Y/N, I'm guessing you're Barnaby." "The one and only!", "won't ya care for a little joke before I go? I was busy before this!" "Sure!" "What do you call a person with no nose?" "I don't know?" "Nobody nose!" Wally and Barnaby started laughing, I just stood there fake laughing to fit in. "Anyways little fella! I gotta go!" He said as he closed the door, "Alright bye Barnaby!" I said happily, "Alright that's all the neighbors we have time for!" "What about the post office?"  Wally just sighed and agreed. I ran over to it and someone was already outside with mail, "Ah, Hello! I've heard about you! The secret neighbor who is probably a love inte- uh nevermind, anyway I'm Eddie! The neighborhood mailman!" 

"I'm Y/N!" "Oh that's great! I just found some mail for you!" He then handed me about 10 letters, honestly I was shocked but just calmed down, "Oh why thank you kind sir!" "It's my job that's what I do no need for a thanks! Anyways I have more mail to deliver!  Cya new friend!" He said walking away with lots of letters. "Well now that's the end of the neighbors besides Howdy, you already know him!" I nodded when Wally said that but all that was on my mind was

Who the fuck is sending me letters? Is it was warning? I'm too paranoid now.

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