Filler Chapter

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(Before Barnaby died.)

Wally: 'so uh..' 

Howdy: 'you still can't bring up your confidence huh?' 

Wally: 'okay look I hav-'

Sally: 'not your ego, Wally.'

Wally: 'hmph!'

Poppy: 'oh come on, confessing to them would be that bad.'

Wally: 'but-'

Barnaby: 'she right.' 

Sally: 'and if they didn't like you, they would of tried escaping by now. But have they?'

Wally: 'no.. they haven't..'

Sally: 'exactly, get your game up.' 

Barnaby: 'yea, just stop being scared. And if they reject you, your friends are always here.'


Wally was given a letter and read it in front of Eddie.

Wally: "Fuck you and all your crew, imma beat all your bitches ass when I see y'all."

Wally dramatically gasped and put him hand on hit chest, 

Wally: "Oh my god who wrote this?!" 

Wally looked at Eddie while reading it, frank just looked shocked and confused while shrugging.

Eyes on you (Wally x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now