Chapter 7: A new love

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We ride down to the ground floor.

We leave the elevator and are greeted by... Jayce... 

Jayce: Y/N...

Y/N: Jayce...

Eve just watches us as we stare each other down. 

I can't even be mad at him, he was just scared when I got taken away, I know if the positions were reversed, I'd act the same way. 

Jayce: Come here old friend!

Y/N: Alright! 

We bear hug each other, Jinx has taught me bombs, he taught me everything mechanical, even mending my own fucked up rifle back then. 

Jayce: I'm not even going to ask how you got out of jail, but you're safe here in Piltover, I got you. 

Y/N: I'm actually in Zaun now, and I'm dead apparently. 

Jayce: So, I've heard, glad to see the rumors aren't true. 

Y/N: So, what are you doing here? 

Jayce: I'm running security details for the girls, gotta make sure things are top notch for Ahri and them. 

Y/N: That's good, security company? 

Jayce: Yep, big one too, we keep the city safe. 

He noticed the laser 1887 locked to my leg. 

Jayce: Packing some serious heat! Damn, you a fixer? 

Y/N: Yep, but in Piltover I'm a... I don't know...

Jayce: Uh... call it a solutions consultant. 

We both giggle. 

Jayce: We need to have a beer and catch up, is Jinx still in Zaun? 

Y/N: Yep, still as colorful as before. 

Eve: Alright, well it was good meeting you Jayce, I'm sure Ahri will tell me the details for our concert...

Jayce: Right, good luck with that Y/N. 

He was talking about Eve. 

He pats my shoulder and walks by me, heading up the elevator. 

Eve: You knew him?

Y/N: Yep, special forces, nice guy, he was just really quiet... Looks like he's improved.

Eve: He is nice...

I see her expression change; she bites her lip and then looks back at me. 

Y/N: Trying to make me jealous? 

Eve: Nooo... How would you feel? What would you do? 

She gives me a sly grin; this is definitely a test. Play it cool... play it cool...

Y/N: I could care less, if you like him more then that's all you...

No actually, I would turn him into a bloody, unrecognizable mess on the floor, if it were my Belle... 

Eve gets a concerned look, holding my hand. 

Eve: W-well... just know that I don't just swing like that, I stay loyal, always...

Y/N: I appreciate that darling...

Good, that's better for everyone, trust me. 

Eve moves her hand up to my shoulder, putting her other hand on my other shoulder. 

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