Chapter 8: Working man

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I wake up from another nap with my darling, she wakes up almost at the same time. 

Eve: Hey darling... you get good sleep? 

Y/N: Yeah... much better thanks to you. 

Eve: Aww...

She brushes her claws down the side of my face, it feels so nice. 

My phone starts going off, it's Jinx, wonder if it's work related. 

Eve: Work? 

Y/N: Yep, we'll have time later, trust me. 

Eve: It's already late Y/N... 

Y/N: Well, I'll just come back when I'm done. 

Eve: You'd do that? What about your place in Zaun? 

Y/N: I have almost nothing, it wouldn't be a hard move. 

Eve: But... we wouldn't have a room for you...

Y/N: True...

Eve: We'll figure something out if you really want to move in... I'd love it but... you can't just leave your friends.

Y/N: You're right, I'd have to ease into it. Welp, I'll see you darling, bye. 

Eve: Kissy kiss, now darling. 

I lean in and give her a kiss, then she lets me leave. 

I am greeted by Ahri crying and Akali trying her best to console her. 

I can't help myself, I walk over to the back of the couch and butt my head in. 

Akali: It's gonna be alright... I'll deal with it...

AhrI: I-I-I can't... why would he d-do this? 

Y/N: Do what? 

Akali: Oh, hey Y/N, how you feelin? 

Y/N: Good enough, what happened? 

Ahri picks her head up from her hands, revealing a black eye that's so visible, makeup won't cover that up. 

Yasuo... come on man... 

Y/N: Did he do this to you? 

Ahri nervously nods. 

I breathe out nothing but hot air, pedophiles and abusers of any kind... the people I hate the most in this world... no empathy, you chose the wrong illness... 

Akali: I want to give him a black eye, he deserves more than that for how he treats you Ahri, he treats you worse than a doormat. 

Worse than a doormat? Like... damn...

Ahri: B-but... I... no... don't do that... 

Y/N: I don't want to fill your head because I hardly know you, but he might not be good for you. 

Ahri: Then who will? Who will?!

Me, wait no, no that would be weird... heh... yeah... NO!

Y/N: Don't know, just not him. 

Akali takes out her kunais, she's definitely planning something, oh wait! 

I take out the third one that I snagged from her back at the bar. 

I slide the third one into her hand, she looks at me with the biggest look of joy. 

Akali: You found it! How?! 

Y/N: I operate out of The Last Drop; you dropped it when you stumbled out the door. 

Akali: Heh... sounds like me... Thanks Y/N.

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