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Today started like yesterday— sweltering, humid and sweat-drenching. The heat was so torrid I could see the waves rising off the pavement as I watched through the windows within my office. The appearance of this base was completely different from any of the others I had been stationed at during my time in the military. Only a small number of masonry buildings that held dim fluorescent lighting within and it's floors coloured in various shades of grey. Six months I had been stationed here. Six long months without a decent amount of sleep, a good brand of bourbon and decent sex. Besides being out on the field in the midst of chaos, downtime on our base was absolutely boring.

The sound of squelching and soft moans brought me out of my thoughts, causing me to glance down at the nurse kneeling between my legs. You could say it was a 'check up'...

"Mmm." She hummed. Licking her lips before pushing a finger inside her mouth, sucking it clean.

"Sorry about the mess." I said as I pulled myself back inside my pants, re-buckling my belt.

"Don't be, I caught most of it." She grinned.

"Thanks." I said as I rose from my office seat, grabbing her hand to bring her to stand also.

"I'll come by same time tomorrow? Maybe even tonight?" She purred as she ran the tips of her fingers against my forearm.

"We'll see. I'm a little busy."

Her demeanour went from pure arousal to almost wretched. I sighed, turning my body away from the door and back to her.

"I'm being transferred to another base next week. Thought we could y'know, see each other before I go."

"Listen...I'll come find you if I have the time alright?" That was a lie.

I moved towards the door, slowly opening it to peep into the hallways for any faces. "Clear."

She lets out a soft chuckle. "Roger that." She mocked, walking out before me in the opposite direction.

During this particular period of the day, majority of the soldiers engage in exercises and drills. An opportune moment to have a swift release without being noticed. Seeing that Olivia chose to visit me during the only hour of my day I would use to eat, I was starving so I made my way to the cafeteria.

"Hey Lt!"

The thick Scottish accent echoed from the other end of the hall. I turned swiftly on my heel to see Soap, as he walked past Olivia greeting her before meeting my gaze. A cheeky grin plastered over his face as he drew closer.

"You got another injury?" He chuckled as he began to walk alongside me.

"Seems that way."

"Must have a lot of little boo boo's you need kissed."

"Only the tip."

He laughed to himself as he shook his head. "So how's this one going to go? Y'know when you give them your little spiel that your 'not right for them' or 'you'll only put them in more danger' huh?"

"Took the words right out of my mouth Sargent. "If you must know, she's being transferred next week."

"Easy send off. I bet you had something to do with that. Like always." He smirked.

I glanced from the side of my eye which told him everything he needed to know. I had only been with Olivia on a few occasions. All of which she initiated. She knew I wasn't going to take things any further with her though she tried to force the idea on multiple occasions which is part of the reason why I had her transferred to another base, that and she was actually a shitty medic if I'm being honest.

He acknowledged me with a nod. "Fuck sakes your breaking a lot of hearts out there Lt. One day, your going to meet your match."

I scoffed at his comment.

"Speaking of meets... your late to your one." He said

"What meeting?"

"Price wanted to see you about the new additions to our operations."

I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Soap to do the same.

"New additions?"

"Aye, the war correspondent?"

Fuck. The war journalist that Price wished to discuss about the potential of being embedded in our operations had slipped my mind. I disagreed with the idea, and that's why this meeting held significance to persuade him that this was unnecessary. Hastily, I walked towards Price's office, eager to not keep him waiting any longer than I already did, until Soap intervened.

"She's quite the looker." A held a small grin on his face as he picked at the dirt under his nails.

"What the fuck are you talking about Johnny?"

"The war correspondent? Such a Bonnie lass."

"Is she already he—"

"Here? Oh yeah..." He sang with a wide grin.

Fucking great. The whole point of meeting with Price was to discuss the possibility of having a war correspondent embed at our base. A part of me hoped Soap was lying, as he knew how much I hated the idea of some media barbie covering our military activities, not to mention, being out in the field unarmed and with no proper knowledge or skill in combat. Nothing pissed me off more than having this non-operator who felt the need to interfere with our work.

"Fucking hell" I muttered as I marched towards Price's office.

I stormed through the halls with my fists balled at my sides, my jaw clenched so tightly I was sure I would feel the discomfort for days to come. As I reached the hallway where Price's office was located, my long strides came to a halt. The air around me suddenly turned fragrant, as if packed with the aroma of vanilla and lavender. The aroma was so potent that it penetrated my mask, leaving me completely immersed in its scent. I fixed my gaze on the entrance of Price's office, with a sense of intensity. The silhouettes of two figures could be seen through the frosted window film on the door. One was definitely Price, the other?... Jesus Christ. As I marched closer to the door, the scent sharpened. There are very few women present in this location, and none of them have the same scent that I am currently overwhelmed by. That only tells me one thing.

She's fucking here.


She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now