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After putting a severely intoxicated Caleb to bed— which took most of the night as he kept trying to run back to Soaps room to continue drinking, I was exhausted by his antics and just wanted to go to sleep. It took an absurd amount of time to get him back to our room and into his bed though despite all of my efforts, he tried to fight it.

Caleb let out a quick huff as he collapsed in his bed. "Ahh..." He groans. "The drunkness... it's fucking me."

"Well no one told you to drink that much." I chuckle as I take his boots off.

"It's Soaps fault." He snaps in a childish tone, with his arm draped over his eyes.

"No one is to blame but yourself." I giggle. "Sleep it off, you'll feel it in the morning."

"Will you take care of me?" He whines. I could tell he was already regretting the amount he had consumed tonight.

"Always." I smile, tucking him in a little more before heading back to my own bed.

"Y/n?" He says.


"Are those love bites." He says without sparing me a glance, his arm still draped over his face.

My face immediately heated up. "It— it's not love bites Caleb." I say in defence, my hand trying to hide what was obviously there. Fuck...

"Oh... my bad." He chuckles. "Ghost bites?"

"Go to bed!" I interrupt.

He began laughing to himself as rolled to his side so his back was now facing me. Soft snores soon came from his side of the room.

I pulled out my compact mirror. "Jesus Christ...." I whispered to myself as I looked at the several marks he had left on my chest and neck area. It's going to take a lot of concealer to hide this from everyone...As I looked into the mirror, my mind wondered back to the kiss with Ghost— well... Simon. It felt so foreign hearing and saying his name. His actual name. The tone it carried when he spoke it. His voice holds such a harsh gravely note to it — almost like he drinks bourbon like water, then uses the glass as a chaser. I loved it. My fingers traced over each mark he had left on me, tracing all the way to my lips. The way his lips felt against my own was like no other. I haven't been kissed like that in a long time. Simon sure knows how to kiss. It's a team sport, and he sure wasn't one to sit on the sidelines. We were dancing along the thin line between love and hate. But when we were tangled up together in the dark, there was no hesitation in my mind. The way his strong hands captured me and bent me to his will. I tried to keep thing's professional between us yet I couldn't help but want more. More of him. All of him. It felt so wrong to feel so desperate for another person.


"Here you go..." I say as I walk over to the outdoor bench Caleb was hunched over, holding our coffees in hand.

Caleb was really struggling with his hangover. He murmured many—
'I am never drinking again'
'I'm gonna go on a detox'
'That's the last time I drink'
But we all know that's a big fat lie. We begin to drink our coffees. I had grown used to drinking this bland coffee over these last 5 months of our embedment, though I couldn't wait to go home and enjoy a real cup of coffee from my local barista. Our leave requests were mailed through and I wasted no time in signing and sending them back. A chopper will be sent for us in the next day or so. I was looking forward to seeing my friends and parents. Caleb was looking forward to seeing his nephew.

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now