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This base was a lot smaller than the our original one. There were only a handful of soldiers here. I met each and every one and even got to sit down with a few to interview. I was exhausted by the end of the day. After my talk with the AQ soldier, Malak, I decided to go to the temporary room I would be staying in to listen back on the conversation I had recorded. This room only contained a small bed, a desk and a wooden chair in the corner. I sat down at the edge of the bed before laying back completely with my cassette in hand. I began to doze off before the bedroom door softly opened. My eyes met the figure standing in the doorway. He looked tired. His figure slowly moved further into the room as he walked towards the chair that sat in the corner, groaning as he sat down before stretching his legs out as he crossed one over the other.

"The beds all yours." He rasped with closed eyes.


A brief moment of silence lingered before the door slowly opening again, Ghost quickly grabbed his pistol from his holster and aimed it towards the door. In walked one of the soldiers, holding a clear bottle of brown liquid, his smile fading as he brought his hands up in surrender. Ghost sighed before lowering his pistol, placing it back in its holster. My heart quickened at the fact he nearly blew this mans head off.

"Sorry Lieutenant, I should have knocked." He chuckled as he placed the bottle on the desk along with two cups before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

"You afraid of a little home brew?" I chuckled as I made my way to the desk to pour a cup.

"Thought he was an intruder, and I'm not afraid of anything." He growled, taking the cup from my hand.

"Everyone's afraid of something."

"Not me." He responded as he lifted his mask up to his nose, consuming the entire cup before slamming it back down on the table.

"How does it taste?"

"Not bad." He shrugged.

I poured Ghost another cup as we drank ours in sync. I couldn't help but admire the sharp jawline as he tilted his head back to down yet another cup of home-made liquor. The five o'clock shadow covering the lower half of his face, a few milky white scars peaking through.

"Do you ever take the mask off?" I asked.


"Not even to sleep?"


"Why do you wear it?"

"That's classified."

"How so? Is it the scars?"

He let out a deep sigh, his hands resting on his knees as his eyes connected with mine. Caramel orbs stared back at me as he narrowed his eyes. "I wear the mask for anonymity. It's best the enemy doesn't know what I look like."

"To protect your family?"

My breath hitched as his body shot up, looking over my own. I was now backed up against the wall as he brought his face closer to my ear.

"Can I give you a little advice. I'm not your next story to publish so mind your business and stop asking me a million fucking questions." He growled before stepping away from me and back to his seat.

I stood like a deer in headlights against the wall. It took a moment for me to just process what had just happened. It was obvious something had happened to his family though he was right, it's none of my business.

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now