Forty One

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I stood at the bar, sipping my drink and taking in the atmosphere. The gala had already started, and the room was filled with journalists and news agencies from across the country, networking and socialising.

"Look at that...what a great turn out this has been. Thank you for bringing me along." My father smiles.

My dad stood right beside me with a glass of bourbon near empty, looking around at the gala with a sense of wonder in his eyes. I couldn't help but smile, knowing that he was enjoying the night almost as much as I have.

"Yeah it really has, huh?" I agreed as I looked around at the crowded room full of familiar faces. "Thank you for coming with me." I say, smiling at my father. "Usually I'd go with Cal--" I cleared my throat before I could say his name, not wanting to bring the mood down. "I'm just glad I get to spend it with you." My expression tightened as I suddenly felt self-conscious, wondering if he could sense the anxiety in my words

"It's fine sweetheart. Just enjoy your night. I know I will be!" He laughs as he grabs another glass of bourbon. "Free booze? What more can a man ask for?" He chuckles to himself before gently nudging my shoulder. "Is that Matt Halloway?"

I look in the direction to where my father was pointing. The familiar face of Matt Halloway, but everyone in the office knew him as 'Big Red' due to the vibrant color of his copper hair. He was the sports illustrator for our agency, and a former athlete himself. This man had to be pushing at least in his 60s, and my father had always been a huge fan of his and had followed his progress throughout his entire career. I could still see the joy and excitement in my dad's eyes as he thought back to those days, and it brought a smile to my own face

"Yeah, that's him alright." I reply. "Why don't you go introduce yourself?" I say, nudging him gently on the back as I pointed in Matt's direction. "I've told Matt all about you." I add with a smile, encouraging him to take this opportunity to spark up a conversation with someone he looks up to.

Matt was known for his friendly personality, so I knew my dad should have no trouble meeting him. And with my endorsement, he would likely make a good impression.

I stood there in awe as I watched my father shake Matt's hand, a huge smile plastered across his face. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at the absurdity of the situation. My dad is a grown man, yet here he is, acting like a starstruck kid meeting his hero. I watched them chat and exchange stories, and it was clear that my father was in his element.

I was left alone as I stood amongst the crowd, watching everyone mingle and chat. I tried to push down the sense of anxiety that was building as I looked around for someone to talk to, anyone interesting who could draw me into a conversation. But as I scanned the crowd, I felt a tinge of melancholy, realising that I didn't really have anyone to chat to. Everyone seemed paired off already or immersed in their own conversations.

I let out a silent sigh as I looked at the glass in my hand, feeling a little lost in the crowd.


I heard a familiar voice call out my name. My body tenses as I turn around to see a colleague of mine, Sam. She had always been a friendly face in the office, and she would have been the only women to not fall onto Ben's lap. I was happy to see her here tonight.

"Hey, Sam." I greeted her.

"How are you doing?" she asks, trying to make small talk. "Oh, how was your assignment? God it felt like you were gone for years! We sure do miss seeing your face around the office."

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