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Lieutenant Riley.

His last name now branded into my mind. Besides barking orders to his fellow soldiers he can be very discreet and suppressed when it comes to his personal life. His desire for privacy and anonymity is a huge deal for him which was why his gaze hardened the moment he slipped up letting his tags show, revealing part of his name. Riley. As the words escaped my mouth, he immediately clenched his jaw. I must admit, it was getting hard to maintain a professional work relationship when around him as time passed. There were instances where I contemplated in the idea of just riding him like a fucking cowgirl. Like our previous encounter in his office for example. Being around Ghost had me all giddy and flustered like a little school girl which was very unlike me. Usually I'm always the one who is in control. I always put myself in a position of advantage during any exchange. I found myself losing control and becoming unstable when I was in Ghost's presence, but the reason was unclear to me. I had never bitched it from a confrontation in such a manner previously. When I was in his office, I was taken aback that his eyes did not have the usual expression of darkness and emptiness. I was shocked to see something different. Desire, eagerness and greed. The slight curve at the corner of his eyes...the way they tracked me with the intensity of a predatory creature. It was lust. I recognized it because I felt it too.

I wanted him.

There I go again. Pondering in my dirty little mind about how much I wanted to fuck this man. I had to remind my self - again... that I needed to keep things professional. I don't need another repeat of my last failed relationship. Screwing with someone who you work with did not go well in my books. My ex is the one to thank for that and I certainly didn't intend to launch myself at some tall, muscular, mask wearing Lieutenant just to satisfy a craving over my career.

Unexpectedly, a gentle tapping sound on my door was soon heard as I sat in my room at my desk.

"Who is it?" I spoke aloud with enough volume to be heard by anyone who may have been present on the opposite end.

"It's me...Ghost."

I felt a fluttering sensation in my stomach when I heard the deep tone of his voice, like the fluttering of butterflies.

"Okay..." I said with uncertainty. "Give me a sec."

As I stood up, he decided to take action and open the door himself, entering the room. His tall figure appeared in the doorway momentarily before he slowly entered my personal space entirely.

"Or you can just let yourself in..."

He let out a 'tsk' sound before walking over to my bed and sitting himself down at the edge.

"So, you wanna tell me why you're here?" I asked.

It was rare for anyone other than Caleb to visit me in my room. I wondered why he chose to have a private conversation with me.

As he sat on my bed with elbows rested on his knees, he lifted his head. His eyes meeting my own before he spoke. "I came to apologise..." He said lowly.

Excuse me? Apologise? As far as I can recall from every encounter with this man I had been the one acting like a complete bitch. Yet here he is apologising to me. Is that another point in my books? Perhaps so.

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now