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"Miss L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for coming in on such short notice."

A warm welcome was given by The 141's Captain, John Price. My initial day of being stationed here was proceeding quite well. To tell you the truth, I felt a bit anxious upon my arrival here, but the warm reception eased my anxiety.

"Pleasure is mine Captain, but please, Y/n is fine." I smiled.

A warm chuckle came from him as he sat down at his desk. "So, how long have you been a war journalist?"

"Three years, this is my third embedment."

"You'll enjoy it here. My team will ensure you can get your work done whilst keeping you safe." He assured, closing the portfolio and placing it into his desk drawer.

"Thank you Captain, I have full trust that your team and I can work effectively together."

"I assure you, my men are the best out there. They'll look after you."

I broke into a smile. It was comforting to have protection as I worked. As a journalist covering conflict, I was putting myself in harm's way and risking my safety whilst in the field.


A deep voice boomed through the atmosphere in Price's office, causing me to flinch in my seat. The door of the office swung open so hard it almost came off the hinges.

"Ah, Lieutenant. Nice of you to join us." Price greeted him with a warm smile.

A man of extremely tall stature stood at the entrance before taking long and hurried strides while displaying impatience and rudeness. Who the fuck is this? I lifted my head to see the entirety of this man. Upon my initial observation, I became aware of his formidable bulk, which projected a towering silhouette that encompassed nearly the entirety of the office. His identity was concealed behind a balaclava over his face with a skull painted on it. He appeared muscular and strong due to the impeccable fit of his tactical clothing. It was though he had lifted and set down heavy items, then done that again a million times over. This man was ginormous.

"I thought you said this was a discussion about considering this embedment. Not actually going ahead and approving this media puppet. "

Media puppet? Now that's a new one...

Price held a brazen look on his face, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "I thought about it, and I approved it."

"Why wasn't I informed?"

"Consider yourself informed now Lieutenant." He chuckled, his gaze shifting from the man then back to me.

I couldn't help but return a smile, as I did find his reaction to my presence rather amusing. A scoff came from the masked man as he held the desk's edge, causing a creaking sound due to the tight grip. Price raised his head towards him and maintained an intense gaze while preserving his calm and stoic demeanor. The two began to yell in disagreement with each other about my presence here. The man with the mask spoke spiteful words about me, unaware that I was standing right beside him. Either he's a complete idiot or he just doesn't give a fuck. While the two were engaged in their heated argument, I briefly looked out the window to my left. As my thoughts drifted, their voices began to fade out as I wondered, Where the fuck is Caleb?

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