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A sudden shake brought me back from the dead of sleep. My eye lids slowly opening and closing, trying to adjust to the rays of light that kissed the room. As parts of my body gradually began to turn on, I gazed up through half-lidded eyes to the hand of the shadow that rested on my shoulder.

"Y/n its time to get up."

"Not yet..." I mumbled, my consciousness slowly falling back into its sleep like state.

"You slept through your alarm." He said softly. "Again."

That familiar voice I have known for the past four years is now covering the job my alarm clock was supposed to do.

"Five more minutes..." I whined as I wrapped myself tighter into the blankets.

A sigh of defeat left Caleb's lips before he did the unthinkable.

"Wh- What the fuck!?" I yelped. "Caleb put me down! I'm not one of your god damn camera's."

"You want to act like an inanimate object I'm going to treat you like one." He chuckled as he hauled my ass over his shoulder and into the shared bathrooms.

"I'm not inanimate you asshole, I was half asleep."

"Yeah yeah same thing." He chuckled as he plonked me down. "I got your clothes ready here, shower up and meet me in the cafeteria. The teams waiting." He added before leaving.

One thing I hated about this job was I dreaded the early wake-ups. Only 2 weeks had passed since Caleb and I arrived. He quickly fell into a routine whereas I still struggled to drag my sorry ass out of bed. Our days were spent with the rest of the team as we would accompany them on their day-to-day activities. From observing their drills - where Caleb and I both partook in, to interviewing each and every member about their life in the military. Everyone except Ghost that is... He basically avoided me like the plague.

As I made my way into the cafeteria, the entire team sat around the table eating their meals.

"So Sleeping Beauty has finally decided to join us!" Soap teased.

"With my help that is..." Added Caleb as he popped a squat next to Soap.

I sauntered my way over to sit with them all. I was still very much half asleep as I had stayed up late last night, like most nights if i'm being honest, writing in my journal.

"What would you like lass?" Soap chirped up as he clasped his hands together. His biceps flexing on impact. "We have toast, scrambled eggs and pancakes!"

I fixed my eyes on the pancakes. They were not as fluffy as I liked but it beats the other two options he had offered. The toast was burnt and whatever topping they had smeared on it made it soggy and the scrambled eggs were watery. Blegh.

"Pancakes please." I smiled before he handed me a plate. "Thank you."

Before I dug into my '5 star breakfast' Gaz slid over a mug. "You look like you need this." He chuckled.

"Fuck yes." I gasped as I brought the coffee to my lips. The taste was bland though I guess that was expected in places like this. It makes me look back at all the times I wasted my almond lattes by letting them go cold. I would kill for one of those right now.

"What are they talking about?" I whispered to Caleb who sat between Soap and I. The team were huddled closely as they spoke softly amongst themselves. Although I have been around the military for some time now, I never really picked up on the slangs and terminology they used.

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now