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When I thought my day couldn't get any worse Price drops this bombshell on me. If a higher power existed, it seemed as though they were intentionally trying to punish me with this women. Regardless of whether or not I deserved it, I was having none of it.

We walked down the halls as I led her towards the room she would be staying in. She had barely spoken a few words at the time though she was already getting on my bloody nerves. As we strolled down the corridors, her petite frame glided gracefully and swiftly. Her hair, full and glossy sat at a considerable length, while her eyes were expressive, lustrous and articulate all upon their own without her lips ever having to move. The type of eyes where a conversation could be held with only just two or three glances, the type that would easily have men falling at her feet.

I anticipated a quiet and tranquil stroll to her room, until she opened her bloody mouth. A waterfall of questions began to flow out of those full glossy lips. While pondering numerous ways to make her stop talking, I came to the realization that her incessant chatter wasn't entirely to blame for the unpleasant mood I was currently in. Although, to a certain extent, it was a contributing factor. It would be satisfying if I vented my frustrations on her. She was the only one on the base that deserved my outbursts. She certainly took the cake for that one.

I had been so deeply engrossed in my thoughts causing me to pay little attention to her conversation and only vaguely registering some parts.

"Lieutenant?" She sighed displeasingly causing me to stop dead in my tracks.

I stared down at her, my neck slightly cracking at the angle I had to view her from. A devilish little half-pint of a women stared back at me with annoyance in those eyes. "Yes?"

"Lieutenant Ghost, I just want to make sure we're okay. I feel like we had a rough start."

I small smirk tugged at my covered lips. "Is that right?" I said curtly as I cocked my head to the side.

"Yes." She snapped.

"And who's fault is that?" I teased, crossing my arms over my chest as I waited for an answer.

She altered her initially expressive eyes into piercing and icy ones. As she neared me, a burst of fury emanated, and the tips of her glossy shoes prodded against my worn-out combat boots. Feisty little thing... I thought to myself.

"Need I remind you that you were the one who started it."

"Started it?" I sneered.

"Media puppet?" She mocked in a poor attempt of my tone.

"Isn't that what you people call yourselves?"

Her full lips turned thin, frowning as she spoke. "Ha. Funny." She spat.

"So I've been told."

"By who?... does this person exist or are they imaginary?" A short giggle escaped her.

"You have a lot to say don't you? I'm not surprised... it's your job to talk a lot of shite isn't it."

"My work isn't biased, I report on what I get fed."

"What you get fed huh?" I furrowed. "Let me guess, your menu consists of lies with a side of conspiracy?"

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now