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"Caleb!" I squealed as I threw my arms around his broad shoulders. "My God, I missed you."

"One day..." he mumbled into my hair. "You were only gone. One. Day."

"Oh shush you missed me. Admit it."

"Yeah yeah, how'd it go?" He said as we walked side-by-side towards the base.

"Good! I managed to speak with the soldier. Got some great information that the network will be happy with."

"Good as in a bonus good or.. "

"Good as an in annihilate anything else our competitors could air good."

"That's my girl." He brought his hand up to be met with the sweet sound of a good ol high five. "Mail went out yesterday. I shipped off the last of the footage to your editor."

"Thanks! I know the outcome will be great." I smiled, though that expression soon ceased the moment Ghost barged between us, almost making me stumble before Caleb caught me.

"Might wanna cut some bigger eye-holes in that mask!" I yelled directly at Ghost though he paid me no attention and kept walking. His long strides and heavy footed steps stormed hastily towards the base.

"Something happen between you two?" Caleb furrowed.

"Yeah." I scoffed. "Poor guy got his period."

"Y/n...." Caleb said calmly.

"He's just pissy I let the AQ soldier go then blew his ass up about taking the fall for me."

Caleb grabbed my elbow, stopping us in our tracks. "Wait hold up." He furrowed. "You let him go? Why?"

"What do you mean why. They were going to hurt him. I couldn't leave him tied to a chair. You know Ghost was going to ki-"

Caleb placed his hand over my mouth before I could finish. "Yeah... I know but he took the fall? Really..." Caleb said with a sly smirk on his lips.

"Your more interested in Ghost playing the hero? Really Caleb..." I chuckled. "What's with that look?" I furrowed.

"Seems like he's taking a liking to you." He teased. "And I think the feeling is mutal." He soon added.

"Bullshit. I'd rather hold a grenade in my mouth than be anywhere near him right now. And if that were true, he has a funny way of showing it."

Caleb wasn't phased in the slightest. Not that he ever is... "You've never gotten this defensive about anyone before—even that time I told you that Ben was a pansy-ass- ."

"That's because Ben is a pansy-ass fuckboy," I finished. "The only mutual feeling between Ghost and I is how much we despise each other ."

Caleb just had to use my on-again, off-away fling for his argument. Ben Kincaid, a fellow colleague within our network, was known as the male equivalent to myself. We first met at a network event held annually among the major companies of the nation. After a few drinks down the hatch, we would typically head back to my apartment, or possibly a cheap motel rented for the night, and thus, the cycle of hook-ups began. Our mutual needs were met— for the most part— and nobody came away feeling empty. As my mind wandered back to Ghost, I couldn't help but notice the contrast between Ben and him. Ben's skin was always soft and supple, while Ghost's was rough and callous from the rigours of hard labour. Ben always wore the most popular and high-class cologne, while Ghost's scent was an intoxicating melange of leather, gunpowder, and bourbon. This mix was uniquely his, his own delicious concoction of flavours that was hard to resist.

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now