Twenty Nine

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"I figured I'd find you here."

Simon looks over his shoulder as he holds a handgun firmly in his hands, aiming it straight at the target that stood about 50m away.

"Looking for me?" He asks before returning his attention back to the targets.

I walk further into the room, watching in amazement as he fired that handgun with astonishing precision, the bullets landing right in the centre of the target with every shot. There was something captivating about the way he handled that weapon, the way he wielded it with such confidence and he just made it look so easy.

"Not bad."

He turns himself towards me. "Need something?" He asks.

"I finally finished packing Caleb's things, took me all night to pack. Price said I could leave them in your office if you don't mind."

"That depends." He cocks his head to the side. "What's in it for me?"

"Well that depends... what do you want?"

He lowers his head slightly as he thinks for a second, he laughs to himself, a low rumble emitting from his chest before looking back up at me. "How 'bout a game."

"A game?" I screw my eyebrows together, he returns a slow uneasy nod. "And what is this game..."

"If you can land one bullet in the centre of that target, I'll let you use my office." He points at the target that stood 50m away.

"And if I lose?"

He loads the gun, placing it on the table before us. "You'll find out soon enough when you miss that target." He says, folding his arms over his broad chest.

"That's if I miss." I say, taking the gun from him.

His eyes watch me closely, creased with amusement as I took the heavy weight of the weapon in my hands.  "Let's see what you got." He says.

"Just one?"

"Just one." He nods.

I take a moment to get my bearings before stepping up to the firing line and taking aim. My stance is sturdy, my grip on the gun strong and firm. I take a deep breath, focusing on calming my nerves.

"Any minute now." Simon says slowly.

I shoot him a glare, he returns an amused expression as his chest bounces up and down ever so slightly.

"Today would be nice." He soon adds.

"How about you give me a little countdown." I suggest. "On three."

He lets out a soft sigh. "Alright then. I'll count slowly for you." He says almost mockingly. "On three."

My finger smooths over the trigger, my eyes are set and focused on the target. I give Simon a nod, and he takes that as his cue to begin.



I squeeze the trigger on one, not once, but three times, allowing three bullets to pierce the centre of each target that stood 1m apart from each other, fucking perfect I thought to myself. I look over to Simon, giving him a teasing smirk as he stares at the targets, I noticed his slack jaw even through the mask.

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now