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"Be safe Simon."

She left an impact just from those three words. It's like a bullet to the chest, it slams into you with no remorse, and leaves a deep mark, giving me the feeling I hadn't felt in a long time, maybe a bit too long. The mere thought of her makes me feel more alive than I have in years.

She left only a little over a week ago, and I was already losing my mind. Without her it's so quiet, maybe too quiet. Why did her being gone have me tied up in knots? And why was the thought of her return exciting? My thoughts were mostly filled with her. Was this some sort of feeling bubbling up inside or am just in need of a quick release— has it really been that long? no, that wasn't it. Deployments were nothing new to me. I was used to going months on end with only my hand to get me off. It wasn't just the need to touch her that I craved. It was more than that.

My mind wanders back to that kiss, that sweet fucking kiss. Her soft lips pressed against my own, her arms draped around my neck with her fingers lightly grazing through the exposed parts of my hair. That passionate fire in her eyes from that wicked look she gave me, that deep, dark, hungry look was enough to make me hard as fucking granite. It's like looking into the depths of the abyss. It's like the void in her eyes beckon to my soul, and I can't refuse, because I want more. I need more. Hearing her say my name, my real name, sent blood rushing to my cock. The softness in her voice as she says it in between kisses.
Her lips parted and glossy.
Her eyes set low as they hold that deep hunger inside.
The way her soft cheeks are flustered with a bright pink hue.


I snapped out of my trance. Soap was sat beside me, nudging me with his shoulder.

"Your deep in your thoughts tonight." He chuckles.

"Long day." I sigh, my thumb circling around the rim of my glass before chasing down its contents.

"Aye, what a day..." He sighs, taking a sip from his own.

I glance down at my watch— 9:33pm. Soap and I had just finished from being on duty. I hated free time. Like a true workaholic, I was happiest when I was busy though most recent mission had taken its toll on me. It wasn't the hardest mission by any means, but the stress, the noise, the chaos. What better way to end the day with a glass of bourbon. The oaky taste that floods my senses from the first sip. It's like it makes all the bad things go away. It lets me finally relax especially before and after missions. Nothing fuckin' better.

My eyes were drawn to the TV Gaz had pestered Price about. The amount of calls he had to make to ship a decent one out really shows that he is in fact Captains little pet. Waste of time if you ask me, it only has 2 or 3 channels and that's if we can get a signal in this shithole.

"It's a shame we can't see y/n's reports from here." He says. "Would be nice to see what she's been up to."

"I don't think they'll air her networks feed here Soap."

"Sure is quiet without them here." He sighs.

"I'm sure she's keeping herself busy."

"Yeah...don't worry, she'll be back before you know it." He says.

"Why would I be worried?" I say with a hint of annoyance."

He laughs to himself. "So, you going to tell me there isn't anything going on between you two?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

Soap shakes his head, trying to cover his grin. "C'mon Lt..." He says with a smirk. "Its obvious your into her. You like her."

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now