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I took a quick look at the watch on my nightstand and saw that it was slightly past twelve in the middle of the night. The noise of Y/n moving around in her room had been preventing me from sleeping, not that I get much sleep anyway. She filled every thought I had these last few days as I stared up at the ceiling. After that talk, she started acting differently... she started to avoid me at all costs, the distance between us slowly growing. I can't help but think that what I said before may have put her off and put us at odds for good... but I can't help but feel a pull towards her. it made me long for... Something more. Just because she has given me a cool reception after our talk, I've become even more focused on her... and I'm not stopping now.

"What's she doing up so late, anyway?" I asked Caleb.

"Who knows?" Caleb replied back with a shrug. "She could be doing just about anything." He added on in a nonchalant tone. He was clearly unconcerned, and more annoyed than anything by the noise she was making in the room next to us. "Maybe she's just... I don't know, going over her notes?" He added on in a half-guess, half-joke tone.

"Wasn't she doing that earlier this morning?" I asked.

"Probably.." He chuckled. "Y/n will run on two hours of sleep only allowing herself one full night of sleep that's if she's satisfied with her work. She hardly sleeps now a days."

"She sounds like a fucking robot."

Caleb let out a soft chuckle. "She had to work hard to get to where she is. I owe her a lot."

"Have you known her long?" I asked.

"I've known her since college. We got our masters together than applied at the same network. She got offered a position straight away though I wasn't so lucky."

"Bet she charmed her way in yeah?"

"Absolutely not." He chuckled. "After Y/n got the job, she tried to convince the board to let me at least go for a trial. One of the guys assumed she would do anything to get what she wants so he 'put it out there'. She almost broke fucking his nose." He laughed.

I felt myself smiling - again. Hearing the stories Caleb was sharing of her had piqued my interest. It was still a little strange... you'd never think that there'd be that many stories about her at all. I have to admit - the more I hear about her, the more intriguing she becomes.

"Feisty little thing she is." I add, giving him an amused look. She is feisty, there's no denying that.

"Damn straight. After she pulled that stunt everyone in the network knows not to cross her. She works hard, she's been a little stressed lately." He says.

"Being so self-centered all the time can stress anyone out." I joked.

He gave a soft laugh. "She can be but she sure backs it up. Why do you hate her so much?"

"Who said I hated her?"

Hate? That's a strong word, and one I'd never use to describe the way I feel towards her. I attempted to show animosity towards her, deliberately hoping to hate her, but each time she impressively enters the scene, all my hatred towards her vanishes. As if that attitude I had towards her never existed.

She's Bad News- Simon Riley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now