Forty two

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The city below me sparkles and shines in the night sky.
The streets are filled with people moving about their lives, their cars traveling from one destination to another. I see them as mere dots in the vast expanse of this city, small and insignificant in its greatness. But amidst all its beauty, my mind begins to wonder, as darkness spreads its tendrils, I consider the possible danger lurking around every corner, unaware of the danger that may soon befall them.

"Incoming orders, men. Gaz, your on overwatch. Soap and I will take care of the missile, and Simon, you'll be tasked with finding our target: Hassan. Keep your eyes sharp and your heads down. No room for error on this mission."

Price's voice comes through the radio, the distinct military authority making itself known through my communications device.

"Seems like a sound night." Soap says over his shoulder as he too takes in the wonders of the city.

"For now..." I respond.

I glance out of the helicopter, my eyes roving over the city below. It's beauty is almost taunting to me, as I wonder how long the calm will remain before chaos erupts.

"Aye, the calm before the storm." He replies, a stern look on his face.

As the calm before the storm descends around me, I feel a sense of unease. I wonder if Y/n is alright. I asked her to leave the city, but I can't help but wonder if she ignored my calls and took her chances staying put. She could be in the middle of all this danger, unaware of the peril she may soon face.

The chopper roars to a landing on the helipad atop a towering high rise building. The sounds of the city around me fade away, the engine's howl comes to a sudden stop, and the world grows silent.

"Weapons ready." Price commands, his tone and delivery stern but precise as we depart the heli, taking our positions.

I make my way through the doors and into the building, realising that most of the civilians have already fled. I take a moment to survey the surroundings, my senses alert and ready to respond to any threats— moving quickly, but not recklessly.

The building that once bustled with life is now silent and near empty, the effects of the looming threat clearly visible on the faces of those still remaining. People move with a purpose, desperate to flee the scene. But they can't help but feel a sense of unease and fear as they move to escape the uncertain fate that awaits them.

I move in the direction of the fleeing civilians, my surroundings an indication of the destruction that has already taken place. Scattered debris strewn throughout, broken furniture, and torn walls speak of the chaos that has unfolded before me.

As I round the corner, my rifle held high, my eyes lock on a figure in the shadows, rummaging around the room, clearly having no interest whatsoever on escaping. He turns around, dropping whatever he has managed to find to the floor, his arms raised in surrender. I stare at him, unsure of his intentions for a split second. He doesn't seem afraid, or at least, he doesn't look it.

"Confirm your identity." I demand.

The man, seemingly unfazed by my presence. "What, do the clothes not make it obvious?" He lowers his head, taking in his own appearance in his bloodied tux.

"I'm sure you can understand my suspicion." I reply, my gun still raised. "After all, who wears a bulletproof vest under a tux?"

He chuckles, his arms still raised. "Thought I hid that better." He shakes his head. "Though I could say the same about you, halloween is a few months away. Little early to be wearing a skull mask don't y'think?"

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