Chapter Two: Secret Wives

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I don’t know how long has past by; but it must have been days already.

I sigh as I lie on the bed, my body covered by the warmth of the blanket. My body felt weak, exhausted and pathetic. Was this really this really my fate? How my life was going to end? As my husband’s pleasure toy? Before, I would have said hell no, but right now –I’m not so sure anymore.

Before all this, I used to think that I was strong. Undefeated and one of the best vampire hunters amoung the Court, but now –I live in his shadow, the emotion of fear hanging over me. I was scared of being killed, I don’t know why, but I knew he was capable of killing me if I didn’t oblige to his sick requests. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever break free, but the latter is unlikely.

“Can I go outside today?” I whisper as I feel the bed tilt slightly. A hand strokes my cheek as I feel the roughness of his hands scrubbing my cheek with every stroke. “I need to see the sun.” I lie. There was no sun in their dimension; it was just bloody, scarlet skies. Filled with gold stars that gleamed during the day and night.

Xavier sighs as he sits at the edge of bed; he was already dressed in a damper suit for his meeting with his father, probably about his coronation. “Perhaps another time, Kristine,” He says as he continues to stroke my face. I sit up and stare at him, I try and muster up my strength for a death glare, but I let fear dampen its intensity as I pout instead. “Don’t look at me like that, babe,” He tells me. His hand stops stroking me. “Please, Kristine.” He adds. I don’t stop pouting. “Just stop it already.” He snaps as he slams the wall beside the bed. I wince and flinch back as I begin gathering myself into a ball. It was times like these that I just want to hide away from the world, and just die away. But I knew that it would never happen. Especially when you have people like Xavier around you. “Kris,” He whispers in a soft voice as he comes closer to me. I shake my head and refuse to let him in. “Come on, talk to me.”

“No,” I whimper back. “You’ll just yell at me again.” I reply in a slight sob. The tears were coming out now, I could feel it. I hated this, I just hated crying. It made me feel weak.

“No, I won’t,” Xavier assures me as he lifts me up and places me on his laps, my head rests against his chest as he nuzzles my hair. “I’m sorry I snapped at you, Kris, please forgive me.” He tells me as he cradles me in his arms. “Please, babe.” He says as I feel him nip my ear lobe playfully.

I look up and look into his deep grey eyes. I scan them for lies as I ask him. “Promise you won’t yell anymore,” I glance at the walls. “Or punch the walls anymore.” I add quickly.

Xavier smiles, but this time, it was a real smile. It wasn’t one he plastered for his parents, or the ladies that have come knocking for him. It was real –sincere.

“I promise, Kristine.”

“Kris,” I tell him as I bit my lips slightly. “I prefer Kris.” I admit.

Xavier chuckles. “Alright then, Kris,” He says as he grins down at me. “I’m just glad that you don’t hate me anymore.” How wrong he was.

This little resolution didn’t even make up for how much hate I had for him.

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