Chapter Twenty-One: Asylum

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It was like a child's dream. Handmade explosives; guns and a lot of rope –It was the perfect prison break fantasy dream. Except this wasn't a prison; it was an asylum which meant more guards, heavier security and cells filled with mentally insane people. It was all my favourite things in one. Standing outside St. Mary's Asylum, I spit out the gum I was chewing and stuck it behind the last handmade bomb I had. I walked away from the wall and casually looked at my watch; it was going to go off...


There was a large explosion as I smiled to myself and waited as nurses came running out of the asylum doors, as one passed, I snatched her pass and made my way to the entrance. Swiping the pass against a machine, I walked easily into the place. It was dark, probably because it was sleeping time which was perfect for me. Heading to a room that was labelled 'Nurses only', I dumped my bag in behind the bin and grabbed a spare uniform, and changed. After that, I went to the front desk where all the data was kept. I opened the drawer labelled R for Reeve.

Jane .U Reeve, nope.

Jack .R Reeve, again nope.

Ah, Jacob .T Reeve. Opening the file, I see a skinner looking Taylor. He looked so weak, so sad. Sighing to myself, I grab his room key from a set of keys and headed towards his wing.




Finally, 287.

Shoving the key in, I slipped into the room and smiled at the sleeping figure on the bed. I closed the door as the figure rolled over and sat up.

"Who's there?" He asked softly, clutching his blanket tightly with his hands.

I grinned and strolled casually out from the shadows, careful not reveal my face just yet. "Who am I boy?" I say, calmly. "I'm your worst nightmare," I tell him, revealing my face at last. "Hello you little liar," I say, a tainted smirk on my lips. "You've been causing a lot of trouble for Consul Frost haven't you." I walk closer to him as Taylor gets off his bed and cringes in the corner. He's shaved his head, and he looked even weaker now.

"I'll call a nurse, Kris." He threatened, his hand hovering over a red button. I laugh and drop his file on his bed. "How did you get that?" He says, looking at his medical records.

Placing a hand on my lip, I grinned. "Secret. Now," I say, sitting on his bed. "I need your help." I tell him. "The Hunter's Organisation has fallen, Taylor," I say, recalling what Consul Frost had told me. "Our comrades are dying, and our numbers are decreasing. Right now, Chase is being held prisoner, and I know deep down that they don't even have anything against him. His trial is in a week, and he's being held in a safe house in Yorkshire, I need you to help me break him out."

"Why should I help you?" Taylor asks me, softly.

I roll my eyes. "No matter how much you try, Taylor, you'll have to help in the end. It's because of the  Hunter's bond, whether choice or not, the bond will always be with you. It’s part of our prayers, verse two, 'Our faith shall never be tainted, whether dead or alive'."

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