Chapter Eight: Home

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“Why is it so bright here, I don’t recall the human realm being this bright,” I feel a twitch appear on my forehead. “What’s that, the vampire world doesn’t have it,” I hear Xavier go on. “That thing, it's almost touching the sky, why is it so tall?” I feel a jab on my arm as I turn to see Xavier looking in awe out of the carriage window. “Kris, why is the human world so scary?” He whispers for my to hear.

I raise a brow at him. “What are you talking about?” I ask him as I move beside him and see just a bunch of cars passing by, nothing scary. “I don’t see anything.” I tell him assuringly.

Xavier’s features scrunch together. “Are you blind?” He asks me, I clench my hands as I feel the twitch getting bigger. “There one goes.” He exclaims as he points out the window, I look out. Oh god, it was just a car. “What are those things, they move faster than humans, yet slower than us.” He says to himself.

“They are called cars,” I tell him bluntly as I return to my seat. “There’s nothing so special about that.”

“Well, how was I supposed to know that? This is my second time in the human world and the first was on our wedding day.” Xavier informs me, still looking out the window. “I never knew your kind was so… developed.” He says to me. “I guess I should have taken my parents’ advice and have explored the other dimensions more instead of staying in my bedroom.” He says more to himself than me.

My nose wrinkles in disgust as I roll my eyes at him. We were travelling to my apartment; there was a sort of force field around us. It enabled us to travel without being seen by humans, or even hunters. No wonder it was such a puzzle to the hunters! We had always wondered how they got here without us spotting them in the first place, and now I know how they did it. I notice that the carriage has come to a stop as the royal guard opens the door for us. A Cinderella story after all. “Thank you,” I tell him as I get out and look at my apartment building. It felt good to be home.

Couldn’t say the same for Xavier though, I see his nose wrinkle as he looks at the grey building and takes in what he sees. “This is where you live?” He asks me. I simply nod in response as I walk down the narrow pathway and up the white steps. Beside the pathway were two lawns, they were in an unhealthy shade of green. Those bastards probably didn’t bother with watering the place. I walk through the door, Xavier following closely behind me. “Is this place deserted?” He asks me as we walk past silent doors.

“Yep, it’s what makes the rent cheap.” I tell him as we finally arrive on the third floor.

“You mean you don’t have an apartment but you’re renting it?” Xavier exclaims. “That’s not suited for a Queen, Kris, why didn’t you tell me before?” He hisses.

I scowl. “Well I didn’t know you before, genius,” I snap back at him. As I walk towards my apartment door, I hear moans coming from inside. I feel my brow twitch once more as I bring my foot up and kicked the door. I guess I underestimated my strength as the door broke open. “What the hell is going on here?” I say aloud.

“Kris,” Chase says as he was lying down on the ground, standing on his back and giving him a Thai massage was Taylor –his ‘new’ best friend. “What are you doing back here and…” He trails off as he tenses up slightly. “Your complexion,” He says abruptly as he gets off the ground. Taylor notices it too as he looks behind me and scowls. “You’re one of them aren’t you?” Chases asks me.

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