Chapter Twenty: Time Skip - One year later... - Changes

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Time skip - One year later...

The sound of droplets pattering my umbrella was sounded all around me as I looked over the railing. It was nice sight despite the morning rain. I ran my hand through my lighter brown hair and smiled to myself at all I have accomplished so far. Ever since I've left the Hunter's Organisation, I've followed my childhood fantasies about travelling all over the globe, visiting places my parents have been, and the places they would have loved to see. Right now, I was standing in the Eiffel tower in Paris where I was currently staying.

I felt a vibration in my pocket and dug out my phone, looking at the ID; I rolled my eyes and ignored it. It was Taylor, like most Hunters that have called; he was probably trying to get me to come back. My leave was temporarily.

I sighed and looked back the scenery.

"Beautiful place isn't it?" A voice tells me.

I glance over to see a lady had accompanied me, her face covered by a scarf and her eyes by a large pair of sunglasses. "Yes," I say, smiling down. "It is beautiful." I reply.

"Tragic that you couldn't spend it with your husband." She says, softly. I pause for a moment and look over at her, but the lady was gone.

How did she know I was married?

Looking behind me, I see that I was all alone again. "Suspicious," I mutter under my breath. "It's probably all in my head." I assured myself. Looking at the time, I decided it was time to head back to the hotel, I had a plane to catch later to Rome.

Walking into my hotel, I pass my wet umbrella to Joe, the doorman. "Thanks, Joe," I say as he tipped his hat at me.

"Not a problem, Madame Drake,"

I laugh and head to the elevator. After I to chase after my dreams, I decided to change my name temporarily and since I was still legally married to Xavier, I kept the name Drake. So I was currently travelling under the name Kris Drake, and everything was going smoothly so far.

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't realised that my company had stopped the elevator until I heard him speak.

"Hello Kris," That voice.

Looking at Consul Frost, I couldn't believe it was him. "Sir," I say in a whisper. "What happened to you?" I ask as my eyes look at the blood stained shirt he wore.

Consul Frost chuckled and slumped back down against the wall. "A lot has changed ever since you left," He says, patting a space beside him for me to sit down. "Come on," He tells me. I oblige and sit down awkwardly beside him. "Closer." He ushered for me to sit closer to him as I did, he rested his head on mine. "It was hard tracking you down." He says, closing his eyes and threatening to fall asleep right then. "But luckily I managed to track your phone through Taylor's," He shown me Taylor's phone. "Kris, times are bad right now."

"Define the word ‘bad’," I say, lowly as I listen carefully to what he's about to say next.

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