Chapter Twelve: The Begining of The End

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Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sounds of heavy footsteps ached in my ears as I frowned from where I sat. Sometimes, being a vampire was a pain, especially the ability to hear from far distances. The door of the library flings open as Xavier strinds calmly in wearing armour. I stare at him in awe for a while. It looked like a mix of one of those worn in Roman times and the Medival times. It had the feathers sticking out of the helmet and even the red cape flapping from behind, yet his arms and legs were entired armoured with metal. “What are you wearing?” I say, jabbing a finger at his attire.

Xavier takes his helmet off and runs a hand through his messy blonde locks. “Forgive me,” He says with a sigh. “But with the army aching nearer, I need to be prepared to protect you.” He tells me, reaching out and taking my hand by suprise. “You must go.” He says urgently, dragging the heels of my feet along with him.

“But the army’s not even here yet,” I protests. “I’m perfectly safe.” I tell him, seriously.

At that moment, a large object crashed through the windows. My eyes widened as I stared at a palace guard, on top of him, was an undead. The undead hissed before sinking its teeth into the guard's flesh. I didn’t even realise that I was screaming the whole time until Xavier wrapped his arms around me, but I could still see the body. The undead looked up; its blood red eyes glowed dangerously.  It licked its lip as it hopped off the palace guard, the guard's body stirred a bit. Suddenly, he began to rise. His eyes glowed a shade of red that matched the colour of hell’s flames.

“Xavier,” I say, lowly to him. We were both slowly backing away to the door.

“I know.”

The undead pounced at us; Xavier grabbed a sword with his metal plated hand and slashed at it. The undead jumps back, but as it does, smoke begins to escape from the sword wound. Within moments, it looked as if Xavier had never sliced its body at all. The palace guard unshafts its long sword and tosses it aside, I back up against the door of the library, my hands feeling for the door knob. “Why did it get rid of the sword?”

Xavier comes to my side, his sword ready. “I don’t know, but here,” Xavier passes me a small dagger. “In case I ever get turned, kill me.” He tells me.

I stare at him as if he was crazy. “Are you insane?” I say. “What do you mean kill you?” I ask him.

Xavier scowls as his eyes stayed focused on the two undeads closing in on us. Behind the two, several hands were climbing into the library through the broken window, groans were echoing into the room. “Go,” Xavier says. I don’t move. Xavier glances at me for a moment before looking back at the growing crowd. “Kris, escape,” He tells me, pleadingly. “Please.” He says for one last time.

I grip the dagger. “Don’t die,” I tell him before I turn and lunge for the knob.

I fly out of the library, running as fast as my feet could take me in this dress. My eyes wander back to catch a final glimpse of Xavier, but the doors had been sealed closed. Under my breath, I cursed at him for being so prideful. As I make my way as quickly as I could, I hear something shatter beside me. My head snaps to the source of the sound as I see the broken pieces of a flower vase scattered behind me, with that my hands automatically clasp the dagger even closer to my body. Sweat begins to trickle down my neck. In normal situations, I wouldn’t be afraid. After all, they were vampires. I’ve spent years studying them, but this was different. They were undead; you couldn’t kill them no matter how hard you tried.

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