Chapter Five: Answers

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Dinner was as silent as hell.

It was very clear to everyone present that Xavier and I were not on speaking terms as we sat as far away as possible from each other. Queen Theodora nervously glances at us both, she seems slightly unnerved by all this silence as she attempts to break the ice. “I’m so glad to see that you are recovering well, Kristine,” She tells me with a smile. “And its wonder that you could join us here for dinner. Isn’t that right, Rupert?” She asks her husband. King Rupert nods and smiles, but that was it.

“Sadly she recovered a little too quickly,” I hear Xavier murmur under his breath with my new vampire hearing. It was a time like this that I was grateful to be one of them. “Unfortunately.” He adds quickly.

I put my utensils down and glare across the table at my husband dearest. “Well if you didn’t want me recovering so fast, perhaps you should have left me for the dead.” I tell him in an annoyed tone from across the table. Xavier scowls. “Yes, husband dearest, because of you.” I continue to say. “I can hear every single murmur you say.” Take that Xavier.

Xavier growls from where he sits. “Maybe I should have left you for the dead,” He tells me. “Maybe I wouldn’t have to put up with all your mood swings when I don’t even know what your problem is, Kris.” He protests. I feel my hands ball into fist as I clench them tightly furiously. “Perhaps you would like to enlighten me, darling.” He taunts me with the sarcasm seeping in like honey.

I feel my teeth grit tightly. I couldn’t stand it anymore, I just burst. “You know what,” I yell at him. I didn’t care if he was a freaking Prince; he was just plain out rude and manipulative. “I’ll tell you what my problem is, Xavier. It’s you.” I say before continuing. “You wanted to know why I’m in my mood swings; well firstly, you raped me for the past few weeks of my human life.” I begin as I see his father glance at him with a frown on lips. “And then I learn from your mother that you’re widowed, and that I’m just another one of your wives.” I continue. “Furthermore,” I say as I jab my finger angrily at him. “You don’t bother telling me about Fiends after me, when you know I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

“If you’re so good at taking care of yourself, then why did I have to resurrect you?” Xavier snaps back, he slams his hands on the table. “Face it, Kris; you’re not as strong as you think you are.” He tells me.

Queen Theodora tries to say something, but I cut her off and continue this little confession talk. “And what are you, Xavier?” I snap back at him as I slam the table myself. “Unless you don’t remember,” I tell him angrily. “You killed our child.” I yell as I watch his face slightly change before returning to its angry mask. “And if you’re doing such a good of protecting me, babe, then how the hell did that Fiend get into our room and burn my neck?” I knew the moment I said it that I regretted it. I feel breeze come to my side and I hear the sound of my bandage being ripped off as I feel my neck being exposed to the air. Xavier was standing beside me as his eyes scanned the burn marks; I scowl as I catch the falling bandage. His fingers reach out to touch my skin, but I swat his hand away in annoyance. “Don’t touch me.” I snap at him.

Xavier ignores me as he touches the wound; I flinch back and wince at the pain that has erupted. “When did this happen?” He asks me, his voice soft. Worried.

I frown and cross my arms, but I reply, “After you stormed out of the bedroom, while I was asleep.” I tell him. “It’s not a big deal, Xavier, it’s just a burn mark. It’ll probably go away soon.”

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