Chapter Seventeen: Wheel Of Executions

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Warning: This chapter may be 'slightly' gruesome... it's to emphasise Lillian's craziness.

Carriages were parked outside the manor as couples; families and children were forced out of them. They were shackled, chained. I watch secretly as they’re forced into a line, and made to walk through the manor's entrance.

“It’s like the slave trade,” I told myself, softly. “People forced to go to places, forced to do things that demoralise them entirely.” I say, shutting the curtains once more. “It’s almost time guys.” I glance over my shoulder to see Chase slipping some weapons beneath his cuffs, he was whistling calmly. Taylor was panicking, I could see from his tensed shoulders to his expression. “Hey, are you alright, Taylor?” I ask him.

Taylor shakes his head wordlessly. “Do I look like I’m okay?” He says, hoarsely, whipping the sweat off his forehead.

“I thought you were the top graduate at the Academy when they assigned you to me?” Chase says mockingly. “Was that a lie?” He teases.

Taylor glares at him. “That was because I knew back then that I wouldn’t die, but now,” His face seems to pale. “We have no back up, I’m not even sure if we’ll live or not. I can’t calculate the outcome at all.” He tells us.

“Welcome to the real world.” I tell him, patting him on the shoulder.

I walked up to a mirror and looked at my reflection; it’s been a while since I’ve last seen it. My hair’s grown, but I was still the same. “Here,” Chase says as he passes me a white mask. “You don’t want people recognising you so easily now do you?” He advises me.

“Thanks,” I say, taking the mask and slipping it on.

“Alright then team,” Chase says as he places his hands behind his back. “Let the operation, begin.” With that, we left for the ball.

It was just like Xavier’s flashback.

The room at least. The people –not so much, there were undeads everywhere. “Welcome,” I could hear Lillian say as we followed the flow of undeads and people striding towards the middle of the room, and there she was –Lillian. She smiled and waved as she strides around in a black gown. “Some of you may know me as a traitor, but I would be preferred to be known as your Queen.” She says with a smile on her lips. “But I can’t be Queen yet, considering that each and everyone in this room is from a different dimension.” Looking around, I see pixies, fairies, dragons and some vampires. “So tonight, I shall execute all your Royals, and merge you all into my little kingdom.”

The room broke out in hell, but I stayed quiet as I watched some undeads attack the civilians. Within moments, the protesting died down.

Lillian smiled sweetly. “Are you all done now, because my undeads are quite hungry, and they’ve been instructed to feed on protesters, now do we want that?” She tells us. There was no reply. “I thought not.” She says, regaining her composure and snapping her fingers. “Now first up, my dear darling parents,” She says, faking her sadness as some undeads drag two chained people onto the stage. “Hello mother, father.” Her voice was cold, you could hear the hatred in her voice.

The Pixie King looked up at his daughter and snarled. “You traitor,” He says in hisses. “I knew we should have killed the moment the Elders sensed darkness within you.” He spat coldly at her. Her mother simply cried.

“Please Lilly,” Her mother pleaded, her eyes were filled with tears. “All we ever wanted was the best for you-“

“Lies,” Lillian tells her mother, her voice was strong, but her face had morphed slightly. Her mother’s eyes fluttered, and she soon passes out but the Pixie King caught her with his shoulder, letting her lean on it. “You both never did what you could for me, only Ophelia; well tonight you’ll get what you deserve for neglecting me.” She says before turning back to us, the audience. “It’s time to play my favourite game,” Lillian claps her hands as she points to a wheel. “The wheel of execution! It was something that I found very, very useful when I went to the human realm.”

“Is this a game show?” Chase whispers from beside me. I don’t reply.

Henry appears as Lillian nods at him, he spins the wheel. I’m staring at the options, and the odds were not good. Ripped to shreds by undeads, feed off alive by undeads, hanging, boiling or having their heart ripped out were only a few of the options I could read off the moving wheel.

Taylor was nervously gulping beside me; he didn’t seem to be comfortable. So I slipped my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. “Thanks.” I hear him say.

“Keep calm,” I tell him. “We can’t do anything yet.”


Lillian was getting impatient, so she strolled up to the wheel and slapped it. The pointer stopped at an option, Lillian didn’t seem to like it. It was to get shot by a gun, had to be the least gruesome one.

“Shoot us then,” Her father tells her. “It’s better than looking at you in your state of glory.” He mocked.

Lillian’s hand changed the option before she sweetly smiled at her parents. “Did it say get shot?” She asks her father. “No, it said to get eaten.” She snapped her fingers, and every undead in the room lunged at them.

Nobody spoke, we couldn’t, if we did, we'd be eaten too. I looked away at the gruesome slight and blocked out the cries of pain, eventually they stopped.

Lillian wrinkles her nose. “Alright, next,” She says, ushering for another pair of royals. It went on and on like that for a while.

The Dragons got boiled, the fairies had their hearts ripped out, and so many others were eaten.

“I feel sick,” Taylor tells me, softly. Poor kid, I gave him a reassuring rub on the back. “If I knew a Hunter’s life was like this,” He says. “I would never have chosen it.”

I look at him oddly.

Most Hunters came from dark background, like runaways, abusive parent, or orphans. Taylor always gave me the impression that he was one of those, but looking at him now. His cold exterior had melted; he didn’t talk tough so much anymore. Maybe… just maybe it was all an act. Maybe he really didn’t belong here on the dark side with us.

“Now, last but not least, the vampires,” Lillian says, clapping with a smile. My attention snaps back to her. “The main event of tonight’s execution…” I watch as three people walk onto the stage. “I know. There was a fourth person, the princess.” Lillian says, rolling her eyes and quoting the word. “But she seemed to have escaped, but don’t worry, I assure you.” She tells the audience. “There will be a special, welcome back party for her.” Not if I couldn’t help it.

“So Kris got away huh?” Xavier’s voice spoke up. My heart felt relieved, he was still alive. I watch as he walked onto the stage beside King Rupert and Queen Theodora. Oh god, he was still wearing that ridiculous armour. “Looks like you’re not as good as you think you are Lillian.”

Lillian laughs, walking over to Xavier and cupping his face. “You always were a vain one, but I must admit I never could figure out why I was attracted to you, maybe it was because you had a way with words.” She tells him, patting his cheek angering me. “But don’t worry; I’ll make sure to cut your tongue off first.” I held back myself. I couldn’t, not right now. “Now…” She says, walking back to the middle. “Let’s spin the wheel.”

The hell she is.

I grab a gun from beneath my dress and shot the pointer off the wheel. Lillian’s attention snaps to the audience. “Who did that?” She demands, angrily. Henry looks immediately at me, he knew I was here the whole time, but he didn’t more. Not yet at least.

Henry's last words echoed in my head. I knew that I would have to face him later, but for now. I'll have a bit of fun while Chase and Taylor moved into place.

I tore my mask off. “I did.”

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