Chapter Nine: Undead

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“That’s a skyscraper,” Chase says as he points out the tall building to my husband. I rub at my temples as I watch Xavier gawp at it.

“I now experience the architecture of humans –incredible.” He says in awe. I roll my eyes and snicker a bit as I watch Xavier nod like a mindless zombie.

Wait a minute… zombie.

My mind began linking things together, things that I've never actually realised –things that I may have overlooked before because I found it absurd. But now, it seems to come together.

“I know how much Xavier wanted a child.”

‘Zombies are the ultimate undead being, they are unable to reproduce but bite others to change them into one of their kind.’

‘Princess of the undead, Florence St Reap. The only princess to never marry Prince Xavier Drake, the reason for this is still unknown.’

Or is it.

“Oh god, is he a model?” I hear whispers around us as I notice how many girls had their eyes set on Xavier, for some reason, I felt annoyed, and a slight pinch of jealousy.

A girl, probably younger than me approaches Xavier and smiles. “Hi, here’s my phone number, call me sometime okay?” She tells him with a smile.

Xavier doesn’t take the paper. “I’m sorry, but I’m a married man.” He tells her, but a grin was still plastered onto his face. He was enjoying the female attention. Manwhore.

The girl’s face scrunches. “But you have to be like eighteen, you can’t be married.” The girl exclaims in response.

Xavier chuckles. “I’m flattered, but I’m actually thirty two,” He lies (I think) to her. “Oh, have you met my wife?” He asks as he points over to me. The girl glares at me as she stomps away angrily. Suddenly, I feel like a target. My neck was burning from the multiple eyes staring behind my back, it was intimidating. “Kris,” He says as he gestures for me to come closer to him. I raise a brow as I feel him wrap my hands around my waist and pulls me closer to him. “Let’s give them a show.” He murmurs before I feel his lips on mine.

Everyone was staring, probably because it was either awkward, or the perfect Cinderella moment. As we pull away I hear a groan, I see Chase with his camera out. “I forgot, you guys don’t appear on cameras.” He says and shrugs. “Oh well, it was worth a shot.” I smack his arm as he yelps. “Dude, put a leash on your wife will you.” He tells Xavier. I send my dear friend another glare.

“Why would I do that?” Xavier asks before he realises that it was just a joke. “Oh, I see,” He says. “In this realm, sometimes wives cheat on their husbands. Oh don’t worry; I’m quite sure that Kris would never cheat on me, right love?” He asks me, a grin on his face.

“Depends…” I reply as I watch Xavier’s figure tense up slightly, I roll my eyes. He was so darn predictable. “I’m just kidding,” I add as I watch him relax and let out a sigh of relief. “But maybe when I get bored, I might consider that.” I smile to myself as Xavier scowls. “Anyway, lets head back in, I think I’ve got a clue.” I tell him as their ears perk up.

I open the book to the list of princesses known to the vampires. “Here, Princess Flo of the undead, she was the only one that you never married.” I tell Xavier as watch him tense up slightly. “I know the truth, Xavier,” I continue to say. “I knew that you didn’t want to hurt her, and the fact that you wanted children of your own more.” I inform him.

Xavier sighs. “I never wanted to hurt her feelings, but the undead do not reproduce. They can only bite each other and moan –It’s all utterly disgusting attending a ball held by them.” His nose wrinkles as he shudders dramatically at the thought.

Chase leans in beside me, “No wonder she wants revenge.” He says as I lightly punch him playfully. “So, as you were saying before Kris?” He says and indicates to me as if he never made that comment at all,and ignored the hard stare from across the table.

I sigh as I drag the attention back to me. “I was thinking that maybe we should warn your parents,” I say to Xavier. “If Princess Flo wants me dead, then she’ll send Henry to go after me, but I have a feeling that she’ll know that we're here. You should warn them, Xavier,” I tell him. “In case she comes at them with an undead army, and like you said: once their bitten –they become one of them. I guess that includes us vampires too.” I add.

Xavier nods. “I’ll send an eagle at dusk then,” He replies as he makes his way to a window and opens it wide open.

I cock my head to one side, and just stare at him along with Taylor and Chase. “What the hell is he doing, it’s already bloody cold enough in here, and now the fool has to open the window?” Taylor hisses to me. I shrug in response. “Does he do this a lot?” He asks me.

“Weird things in a perverted way, yes. Stuff like this, not really,” I reply him. “He’s been totally different compared to the vampire realm; I guess he’s just in awe.” I add as Xavier opens his mouth and squawks. I slap my face as Chase bursts up into a riot of giggles. “Oh god…” I mutter as Xavier squawks a few more times.

“Nice husband of yours,” Chase mocks as he guffaws.

Xavier reaches his arms off, and as he does, an eagle lands perfectly on it.

He turns and smiles at us. “It’s dusk. He says with a grin.

For some reason, I smiled back. Maybe he wasn’t such a hopeless guy after all.

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