Chapter One: Living In Fear

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Last night –oh god, what happened was so… surreal.

I look at the mirror before me as I look at my neck, there were bite marks trailing down my body. With my finger, I gently trace the multiple puncture wounds from along my jaw line to my waist, each touch; I remembered the piecing pain –but pleasure as well. Arms wrap around me as I feel Xavier’s head on my shoulder, although I can’t see him in the mirror. I know that he’s there. “Why do you keep a mirror in your room if you can’t see your own reflection?” I ask him, my voice strained slightly.

His head lifts off my shoulder as he strokes my cheeks gently. “It’s not for me,” He replies in a soft voice. “It’s for you.” He says before he places a kiss at the side of my head. I don’t respond affectionately, instead, I flinch. I wasn’t ready for it, not just yet. Xavier pulls away, he looks hurt, but he doesn’t say anything. “I have to go, my parents is calling us for breakfast.” He tells me with a sigh as he heads for what looks like the bathroom. “Feel free to join me when you’re ready.” He calls out from behind, a cheeky smile probably on his face.

As I hear (what is assume is) the bathroom door slam, I let out a sigh in relief before I take in a deep gasp. I didn’t realise that I’ve been holding my breath all that while. To be honest –I didn’t know what came over me at all. I was living in fear; this was not my plan. My plan was simple: I marry him, bare him a child, and then I ignore him. I married him alright, I had practically been raped last night, but ignoring him will be impossible.

Not after what we did.

It was too… tempting.

I clutch the robe I wore tighter over my body.

The coldness of the room bring shudders down my spine, I never realised how cold it was. I guess Xavier never really gave me a chance to feel cold. He was too busy for that.

“Babe,” I suddenly hear Xavier whisper down my ear as I flinch once more, the long strands of his wet hair brush lightly against the back of my head. I still don’t turn and face him. “We have to get to breakfast.” He tells me before he kisses me lightly, again.

“Alright,” I reply.

With that, I went and took my morning bath, in the cold.

“How do you like Drake manor?” Queen Theodora asks me from where she sat, beside her husband, sipping a glass of red liquid. Probably blood.

I look away and force a smile on my face. “It’s intriguing,” I lie.  “I’m so happy to be here.” It was half a lie. Truth is, I haven’t been out of Xavier’s room long enough to see the manor at all, in fact, it was as if he resented me leaving his sight. It was an uncomfortable feeling.

Queen Theodora smiles in response, she glances at King Rupert as he nods back. “That’s excellent news,” She replies before turning to Xavier, her only child. “How is the baby making coming along, son?” She asks. I find myself choking on my food before I grab a napkin; I feel a hand rub my back as I soon find myself in ease. Looking up, I see Xavier looking down at me. His face concerned.

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