Chapter Seven: Third Encounter

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Chapter XXXI of Royal Documents

Princess of the Pixies, Ophelia De Greene was the first wife of Prince Xavier Drake, and the only daughter of King Joseph De Greene. People claimed that their love was magical, but unfortunately, she was murdered on her way back to the vampire dimension. Her blood was drained and her heart torn out. She was a hundred and seventy-three years old, a young girl.

Princess of the Fairies, Kiara Gjiankpoi was the second wife of Prince Xavier Drake, the youngest daughter of King Gjiankpoi and Queen Asmlikqeo. Their marriage had only lasted three weeks. She was murdered outside in the gardens of Drake Manor, her body was brutally bloodied and she was dead when found. She was two thousand and forty-four years old.

Duchess of Dragons, Morgana Crimson was the third wife of Prince Xavier Drake, born to Dragon Duke Lucas Crimson and Duchess Julia Charmer. She was predicted to be the most powerful of all the Prince’s wives and had lasted two months. There had been several attempts on her life, but she had survived. One month later during the fall of October, Dargon Lord Lucas and Lady Julia had terminated the married after Duchess Morgana had lost an eye. Her dragon eye. She is currently married to Lord Conner Grey, head guard in the dragon dimension. She is currently –

I hear the sound of creak as I immediately jump out of my seat in time to avoid a narrow stab. I land on my feet as I see Henry, comparing him to Xavier’s flashback, he honestly looked so different. “Henry I presume,” I say as Henry stands up and pulls his hand out of the table. We were in the manor’s library. “I’ll admit that you scared me that night you got into my dream.” I tell him as I let him have the satisfaction of that.

“Did I?” Henry says. With that he suddenly disappears again. Using my vampire hearing, I hear him lightly land behind me as I snapped around. “I must admit, you are the most interesting of the wives,” Henry tells me as he picks up a strand of my hair. “You’re not as soulless as the other six, hanging onto that manwhore as their lifeline.” He mutters in disgust. “Instead, you’re the feisty one,” He compliments as he circles me. “I rather enjoyed your little display yesterday.” He informs me as I smile at the reminder of kicking Xavier in his balls.

“Are you jealous, Henry?” I ask him.

Henry snorts as he rolls his eyes. “Me, jealous of a manwhore, I think not.” He tells me.

“Then why are you killing all of his wives?” I ask him.

Henry chuckles. “It’s not really for me, it’s more for her.” He says with a sigh. “You see, I once too fell in love. It was a human; her husband had walked out on her leaving her alone with two children. It was such pure luck that I met her on my daily feeding route, and before we knew it –we were falling in love. Ever so much that I desired to marry her, but to do so, I had to ask for the Royal families blessing. They refused, saying that it was much too dangerous.” He says as he impersonated Queen Theodora’s voice. “And do you know what they did to keep me away from her?” He exclaims.

“What?” I reply.

Henry snarls before he continues. “They kept me imprisoned in a tower, for a hundred and thirty days.” He tells me. “By the time I had escaped, she had moved on because she thought I had abandoned her like her previous husband. It just broke my heart, my beloved Annalisa had betrayed me and I blame them.” He snaps. “You must understand, princess, I was enraged by what happened and it was their entire fault. If they had only allowed me to marry Annalisa, than I would never be killing their princess in the first place. Especially when they had forbidden me to marry another woman of another dimension, yet they can.” He says.

To my surprise, I’m not angry at all –instead I actually pity him. I smile softly at Herny. “It’s alright, Henry,” I tell him. “I understand why you’re doing it.” I confess. “Believe or not, but we’re both from the same place.” I admit. “When my parents died, I blamed the vampires. That’s why I became a Hunter; it was an act of rage. But it wasn’t worth it, Henry.” I take a step closer to him and smile. “You can just walk away from this right now, Henry.”

“But I can’t because she’ll kill me, princess,” Henry replies as he looks out the window. “She’ll know that I have betrayed her and she’ll kill me.” He tells me.

I raise a brow at him. There was someone involved in all of this? “Who Henry? Who’ll kill you?” I ask him.

Henry looks back at me, a worried expression on his face. “My master –she who was the only one that was rejected, but she was madly in love. Yet, he would not take her.” He whispers as we hear yells coming from outside. “They’re coming.” By the time I look back, Henry was gone.

The door of the library opens as Xavier walks in, his father following behind him. “Kris,” He calls out to me. “Are you alright? The guards heard a disturbance in the hall and they found that the window had been smashed open, but there was no sign of a single person there.” He tells me as he stands across me, I listen but my mind still wanders to Henry’s words.

…she who was the only one that was rejected… but she was madly in love… yet, he would not take her…

“Xavier,” I find myself saying as I look at him. “Was there a princess that you had rejected before?” I ask him as I look into his deep blue eyes, ensuring that his answer would be the truth.

His eyes wander. “I’d never do that.” He replies slowly to me. He was lying. I look around the room; it had to be here somewhere. “Kris, why do you ask?” He asks me as I find the book in the farthest corner of the room. “Kris, something happened here.” He continues to say.

“What do you mean?” I ask him, pretending that I know nothing at all.

“Well, there’s a hole in the middle of the table, so I assume that something definitely happened here.” I bit my lower lip and swear in my head for Henry’s carelessness. I sigh as I feel a soft hand stroke down my back, I immediately tense up at the touch. “You know how I hate being left out, Kris,” Xavier murmurs lightly into my ear. “So please do tell.” I close my eyes.

“Let’s just say that it isn’t safe here anymore,” I reply. “I think I’d feel better if I was back in the human realm, where I’m sure that Henry can never harm me.” I say to him.

Someone coughs as we both look up to face King Rupert. “Perhaps you are right,” He tells me. “Maybe you are better off with the humans.” He says.

I smile but Xavier frowns. “But father, she is my wife; I need to be with her.” He protests.

“And you will.” My smile flattens immediately. I see Xavier smirk at me as he grins; he was probably getting some ideas for our nights together, unfortunately for him.  His plans will never happen, and he’ll soon find out why. “Tomorrow you two shall leave for border, hopefully, Henry will not have intercepted you by then.”

I nod in response.

The human realm –home sweet home, or not.

“Crap,” I mutter.

Xavier raises a brow. “What’s the matter, Kris?” He asks me softly. “Worried about tonight?” He asks, a sly grin on his face. The grin drops as soon as he sees my expression though. “Oh…”

“I’m a vampire now, Xavier, what will the Council of Hunters think if they ever see me again?” I ask him quietly. “Ever since they took me in, I’ve always hated you guys, and now…” I trail off as I look at him. I didn’t need to say anything for him to understand.

“You’re one of us."

"A creature from the dark side." I whisper.                                                                                   

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